
Thursday, November 8, 2007

I came in here all raring to start a Smartypants paragraph... when it occurs to me... today is THURSDAY.
That kinda day, folks.

This is why you can't trust dogs. I've said it a million times... well, I'm saying it now.

Iowa man recovering after being shot by his dog

DES MOINES (AP) — A hunter is recovering after he was shot in the leg at close range by his dog, who stepped on his shotgun and tripped the trigger, an official said Tuesday.
James Harris, 37, of Tama, was hit in the calf Saturday, the opening day of pheasant season, said Alan Foster, a spokesman with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

"He had surgery and is doing pretty well," he said. "He took between 100-120 pellets in about a 4-inch circle to his calf."

Harris was listed in good condition Tuesday, officials at University Hospitals in Iowa City said.

Harris was hunting with a group about three miles north of Grinnell. The group shot a bird, and when Harris went to get it, he put his gun on the ground and crossed a fence. As he crossed the fence, his hunting dog stepped on the gun, Foster said.

The gun was about 3 feet away from his leg.

"The muzzle velocity is so great that the pellets don't have a chance to spread out," he said.

No one else was hurt, and the dog was not injured.

Foster said no citations have been issued.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

If this story had been about a cat, I would believe it was intentional.


  1. Jennifer-
    Can you email me your address?

  2. I feel like a new "mommy" with Isaac. At almost 50, Andy is particularly amazed at being a grandparent; being a parent of an 18 month old for the 1st time.
    we can relate and identify so much more to the young parents than before. it takes so much energy, and at the same time so rewarding

  3. We need to have a playdate with Isaac soon.

  4. I saw that article about the dog, but then it was gone and I didn't want to search for it, so I almost tipped that one off too.

    Their has been a dry spell of funny news lately, good to see falling cows and shooting dogs in the news(with no one being seriously injured, of course).

    And yes, cats would shoot their owners on purpose, no doubt.

  5. Cats will turn on you. If we owned a cat, the gun would be behind 3 safes and 12 locks.

  6. Keith is teething so bad that his shirt has literally been soaked down to his belly button the last several days.

  7. is Isaac living with you all now, Beth?

  8. B.I.B? do you mean put a bib on Keith? HA HA HA! If he isn't constantly eating, he tries rips his bib off. No way he'd just wear it around the house.

  9. Isaac wants to have a play day with his fun fun fun cousins

    he lives with us, and we love it...


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