This is what I resorted to yesterday...

Today, I attached one of these...point, game, me.

Christmas begins December 1st... I am looking forward to decorating this tiny little apartment. Some people in this marriage are not so Christmassy... I won't name names. SOME people even suggested strongly that there would be no tree in this apartment. Scoff! Scoff! I scoff at Scrooge. There will be a tree. And it will be glorious. PLUS, I have a fireplace, where I will hang the stockings with care! Oh! I need new stockings! And OH Boy eggnog!
I'm into Christmas. It is SO on.
I agree with the Scrooge in your family so I wonder where he gets it.
ReplyDeleteNo Christmas tree at my house too.
No one to enjoy it but me and I do not care..
Might put a couple of blue light bulbs out on the porch...if Enoch agrees....
Christmas is all about Christ.
I am Thankful for Christ...
Ooooo that is for thanksgiving SORRY
Anyone have the Hillary Nutcracker on their Christmas wish list?
ReplyDeletebah humbug
ReplyDeleteone does not need a tree in their home to celebrate the birth of Christ
why not an humble manger scene instead
keep the eggnog
We are debating getting a tree this year. We'd only see it for a couple weeks since we'll be gone for two weeks at Christmas, between going to TX and Shannon's folks here. Would be easier to not have Keith climbing all over it too. Keith is pretty well behaved, but something tells me he would be hard to manage with a tree in the house.
ReplyDeleteWhy not wait till next Year Josh
ReplyDeleteKeith doesn't know yet what he is missing...
ONce you start that ol tree have to do it every year.........
I love Christmas trees.......
I really do.......
I love hanging the lights all over them and obsessing over the way they light up....
It is a "sickness" that I enjoy.
one or two strands set to blink..
all multi-colored.........
but or two strands wrapped all around the trunk from bottom to there is no dark spot anywhere........
then.......strategically place the two blinking lights so that no part of the tree blinks off and on.....where they are all spread out.
My favorite thing is to sit in a dark room with nothing but the tree on...........and enjoy the lights......and leave it on all night long.....and leave it up way past long that the neighbors are talking....
It is a lot of trouble....putting it up.....and the joy it brings is so peaceful and fun.........
but........the house is small and its just .......
Maybe next year......I will be in a larger more spaciouse house with a huge fenced in yard and a wonderful Enoch.......and maybe even a little Border Terrior ...
( Dog Show T-day was great!)
This is what Henry will look like..
ReplyDeleteIsn't he cute?
ReplyDeleteYou should still do your tree. You'll miss it if you don't!
VKG- I agree with Jess, sounds like you really like doing the tree... may need to do it anyway!
ReplyDeleteI know, we won't do a tree and then we'll bring Keith over to VKG's house when we're in Texas and he can get his tree destroying fix with her tree. How about it?
ReplyDeleteWow is me.......I am sick.........
ReplyDeletewhich one of you grandbabies had a cold? I am headachey and congested and feverish........
No wonder I have been so grouchy and emotional and down right mean.
My bones ache........
I am taking the day off and staying in bed and forcing my self to get well......
I am going to Mexico to the Orphanage in 2 days......
No time for this mess......
Good morning all, I am at the TFH food pantry. I have missed talking to everyone. I have been so sick. I mean all day morning sickness. It sucks. I couldn't even eat Thanksgiving dinner. I swallowed like two bites! So life at my house has been fun. And my Madison has been very sick too. Her asthma got really bad over the Thanksgiving holiday. And now she is on like two inhalants, steroids and singulair. Poor thing I have to pump her full of medicine every morning and send her to school with the shakes, her heart racing and a stomach ache. Anyways, enough woo is me right! I love Christmas too! I can't wait to put up a tree. I bought some new Christmas decorations! I wont be able to afford to decorate as much as I want too. But I am still going to enjoy it. I love Christmas!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Jess I sent you an email!
ReplyDeleteI hope everyone is doing good! I will try to check back later before I leave church. And if anyone has any suggestions for morning sickness ( that lasts all day) please let me know!!!!
Stay in BED with Saltine Crackers.
ReplyDeleteEAt them first and then get up.
Take PG vitamins at night right before bed.
eat smaller portions of food and lay down after eating....
graze all day instead of eating meals
7UP and crackers all day.
Vitamins at night......
even sicko Vikings give the best advice.........