
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Answer the poll! Over there -------------->

Today I have to drive downtown to take R2 to the neurologist. It makes my stomach all nervoussy. Not, all the brain stuff. That's just ho-hum. Noo... it's the driving. I hate driving to Houston. Today will be my first time ever to go with all 3 chilluns. Once I get there, it's just like being anywhere with 3 kids. But the driving. Eek.

Did I mention the MOG sprained his ankle on Thanksgiving? (delete all jokes and references to wus-ishness) Yesterday we finally tried to go to the doctor. But he has insurance, which makes it almost impossible to go to the doctor. First, I called the PCP on his insurance card. And, true to form, all heck breaks loose. The nurse says, annoyed.." Ma'am, I'm not going to be able to hear you with your baby crying." Nice. I could hear her just fine with a toddler tantrumning at my feet and a baby screeching in my ear. So when I have locked myself in the bathroom and called back, I wait 20 minutes on hold to find out they don't have any openings until late December. Thank you! That was SO helpful!
So I read on the card he can go to urgent care for a higher co-pay. So I pack up the kids, and he leaves work and we drive over there and unload. Oh, but he has insurance. And they don't take HMO. Or something. So I call the "customer service" people and they are shocked and amazed that I want them to find somewhere to take him. Ended up, after more shenanigans, dropping him off at the ER and going home and watching Top Model. Severe sprain. Splint, crutches and so on. So there you go.

Did you check out the possible new blog location? go there. http://www.yablonski.wordpress.com


  1. My poor baby.................

  2. i checked out new blog - it would not let me post

    so sad

    i have no problems here

    oh well

    my comments are not that important anyway

  3. Ouch, that sounds bad about his ankle.

    I have no problems with blogger. Wordpress doesn't seem as good as Blogger to me, but whatever you have to do.

  4. posted on both...no problemo!

    But the poll is flawed, because most likely the people who haven't been able to post here since the change aren't checking it too often anyway...

  5. Just remember that Rome wasn't built in a day.

  6. you get the new CD yet?

  7. Nate- we hadn't checked the mail for a couple days and just found it. Oh, what a treat! I'll get to listen to it tomorrow at work while I work some reports... hope I can make threw the reports. = )

  8. I advise NOT listening quietly the first time...!

  9. Can't wait, just started it.

    Tonight Shannon and I are going out for dinner and then the Seattle Symphony for the Spirit of he Holidays performance. Maybe we'll crank it in the car on the way to the symphony.

  10. Oh, and Shannon called me at work a bit ago to say that Keith was laid down for his nap fully clothed. He wasn't going to sleep, so she went to check on him after a while. He was ONLY in his diaper. His blanket, bear, shirt, pants, and socks were all off and thrown on the floor.


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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