
Friday, October 5, 2007

those smoking-trousered Jihadists

Man's Pants Catch Fire At Airport

POSTED: 5:04 pm EDT October 4, 2007
UPDATED: 6:53 pm EDT October 4, 2007

ATLANTA -- The new iPod Nano is hot. But one Douglasville man said his old Nano got even hotter -- hot enough to burst into flames.
“So I look down and I see flames coming up to my chest,” said Danny Williams.
Williams said the burn hole from the pocket of his pants marks the spot of his 15 seconds of flame. He said he had an iPod Nano and an glossy piece of paper in his pocket. He believes the paper shielded him from being burned.
“I’m still kind of freaked out that after only a year and a half my iPod caught fire in my pocket,” said Williams.
The iPod uses a lithium ion battery -- the same type of battery under recall for setting laptops on fire.
Williams said the fact is iPod Nano burst into flames while he was at work was bad enough, where he works could have been another issue. He works at a kiosk in Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.
“If TSA had come by and seen me smoking, they could have honestly thought I was a terrorist,” said Williams.
Williams said Apple wants him to send his iPod back and they’ve vowed to replace it. Williams’ mother called Channel 2 because she said this is more than one iPod. She said it’s about what could have happened.
“It could have happened when we were sleeping, it could have happened when he was driving and the outcome could have been much worse,” said Elaine Williams.
After Channel 2 sent Apple pictures of the iPod, they called back but they refused to say how common the problem is. In fact, Apple refused to talk about this particular incident at all.

I can't believe Apple didn't want to talk about it... there is so much to talk about.

Let's begin with the "money" elements. That is the words "pants" and "fire". I'm already laughing. Then you have to put all the pieces together....
What material were these highly flammable pants? Polyester, no doubt.
And what was the "glossy paper" referenced in the article.... the paper that saved Danny's life?? Pokemon, anyone?

(pause to laugh at my deductions)

And then, beautiful. Who calls in the story? Danny's mother. Because Danny's pants caught fire at middle school. Oh, wait....

I just have such a great image of the whole scenario. And maybe I'm totally wrong. But I don't think so.

Get yer questions in for Ms. Smartypants!! Ask em while they're hot!


  1. 3DR a day later????? where IS everyone???

    what a boring blog these days....
    jess??? what do you have to do??? be pregnant most of your twenties so that the blog-tribe will stay together???

    it's your responsibility!

    we're hanging by a thread and will soon fall from the net if SOMETHING exciting doesn't happen here on this blog!

  2. ha ha ha hot!
    dear ms.sp, why is "hot" such a versitile word?

    -pants on fire! why did lithium batteries pass govt scrutiny?

    and what about all those toys with lead paint recalls?

  3. I don't know how to increase my comment-ship. You'd think flaming pants would do the trick...

  4. How come comments almost stop when bad news is posted? Don't fell like you can't joke or be happy at all cause we had bad news.

    Flaming pants are great! That guy will have a great story to tell his kids. "All the sudden I look down and my pants are on fire.... I mean, I knew I was a hottie, but dang, I was ON FIIIIRE!"

  5. Some good news for us-
    We moved into a nice rental home (single family) last weekend. 3 bed, 2 bath, large living, and a family room. The house is all hardwood floors. The kitchen is all brand new, with a new flat surface range. Also, we have a very nice backyard, with nice big trees, that the owner is finishing new fencing on. We really like it!! Keith loves having a yard to run around in.

  6. For Mrs. Smartypants:

    -What is your suggestion of how we should spend our time when we visit Texas the week of Christmas?

  7. I am not ms smartapants but I think you should spend half your time staying with Sheila and John and half your time staying with Jeremie and Meredith and you should spend each and every minute of the daylight where ever and with whom ever you and your wife wish to spend those minutes with.

    Maybe Jess will ACTUALLY have a Blog party......

    Last year we all showed up and someone was a big drip and cancelled all the fun events etc.

    wonder who that was......

    How long do you get to stay here?

  8. josh and shannon - the new house sounds great! how much further or closer from work? are you still working at the office or from home? i cannot remember...

    i like hardwood floors.... it's been years since i lived on any, but the house we're moving to in a few months has the whole kitchen, breakfast area and den with dark hard-wood... i look forward to them...

    we'll be having a moving party! i am so excited to hvae to go through all of this stuff... yuck

    minimalistic... that's what i shouldda been... but, i collect stuff and things and books.... can't bear to part with them... hey, some odd piece of clothing could make a great costume addition.... and books are ALIVE so it's hard to part with them...

  9. oops - we're moving in a few "weeks" not months... maybe i'm wishing it were months away so i could get ready

    all this plus i need to come up with christmas banquet entertainment plans....

    jess ? any ideas this time??? your SNOW idea did well for 2 years in succession.... but, i don't think we could pull it off a 3rd time.... what do you think?

    i have ideas... hmmm.... do you?

    pray, then suggest - i don't want nothin that ain't from God!

  10. wow, that's the 5th blog member to be movin within a short time:
    who can name all 5?
    who's next?

    the moves all seem positive improvements and abundant blessings.
    awesome uncluttering!
    I was inspired to "pretend" we were moving so we can clean and freshen up our casa.

  11. Anon (Eva, I'm sure)- That is close to how we plan to spend our time, I'm just giving Mrs. SP a good question to use her wit on.

    MamaPC- I've been working back in the office since mid-December. An employee in Benefits at Boeing (not me) had their laptop stolen with a file that contained 300,000 employee's and retiree’s personal info on it. He was not supposed to have the file saved to his hard drive. After that, everyone who accesses personal info of employees were required to work at a Boeing site and never take our laptop of the site.

    The new house only increased my drive from 10 up to 20 minutes. It's a good amount further, but I was doing city street driving, now it's all highway-- and opposite the majority of commuters driving to Seattle, so fast.

  12. Dear Ms Smartypants,

    What is the best way to rid oneself of toejam?

    Stinky Feet

  13. i would like to say that i found the blazing trousers enormously entertaining. I thought about them from time to time all weekend long. =)

    Why, Ms. Smartypants, am i so entertained by such silliness and possible death of others?????

    Am i a cruel and evil person?

  14. Your question was submitted too late... sorry. Now you will never know if you are indeed cruel and or evil.


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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