
Monday, October 29, 2007

Smarty smarty coco pop


Newbie Materialistic Worrier said...
Hello Ms. Smarypants,
I'm not usually a worrier.
But i find myself worrying now...over the silliest thing. The office where i work is being carpeted this weekend, and i can't stop worrying about whether they'll break my desk when they move it.
I mean i've been thinking about this for DAYS!
I'm afraid i won't be able to sleep in in the morning; i may have to come and supervise them.
Ms. Smartypants, what's WRONG WITH ME?????

It sounds like you may have Incurable Neurotic Psychosis. You should invest in soft carpeting for your walls and plan for a lot of time indoors. Best of luck!

BethC said...
dear ms. sp
please use your superior verbage and insight to critique some/or one Christian movie(s) from recent year(s). I have heard of a new one, "Noelle".
My dear reader, I am not familiar with the film you speak of. However, it is produced by the same company that made "One Night with the King", which was, in this alter ego's mind, a real snoozer. This reporter does not have high hopes. I have heard great reviews of the movie, "Bella", which is also produced by a Christian company.
As to my typical response to "Christian" movies, not so much.

In other news, we went to see Switchfoot in concert Saturday (my birthday present from the Leah and Nates. Rock and roll.... it was awesome.
Pretty quiet around here, thank God. We are almost a week into the Daniel fast, and I am missing sugar FEROCIOUSLY. But it helps me remember to pray. Let's see complete healing! Wahoo!




  1. Sweet! I mean, not sweet as in, you know sweets. Rather, awesome! ...as in steak. Well, not like, steak that you eat, but...never mind.


  2. WOW..........slow......

    Is everyone Fasting Blogging too.?

    Lalub and Jade joined me this evening so we ran errands and hit Wally World.........

    Rumor has it that WalMart does NOT
    have a lay a way any longer......

    I am proud of them.

    Too much trouble for no extra money..

    and if you cannot discipling yourself enough to save all year long.......for 20,000 grandchildren, then......forget it.

    Why stand in line for 60plus minutes.....after shopping for 2 or 3 hours.......and then stand in line again on the 19th or 24th..


    Buy and make and create and bake and spend time together and love love love.........

    We do not have to get all caught up in the hording and panic....

    We should not go in debt all year long for Christmas......

    and I am so glad that we can not put things on layaway......

    impulse buyers are the ones so upset.

    If you absolutely must spend all your money for Christmas .....who needs lay a way.....

    Just buy it now......put it in your attic.....and next week buy some more .....and put it in your attic....and then the week before Christmas pull it all down and go shopping for the little odds and ends you forgot.......

    Whatever........YEA WALMART......finally did something really smart....besides buying in bulk......NO MORE Lay a ways.....

    Those poor peeps......labeling and ringing up and storing and hunting and finding and loosing and having to deal with all the angry upset customers......on CHRISTMAS....

    Jesus is the reason for the season....not presents..........

    MERCY and MADI.....I hope you are reading this....



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