
Monday, October 22, 2007

R2 has just been lifeflighted to Hermann after a very severe seizure. He is critical but stable.
Thank you for your prayers.


  1. My heart sank when I read this.

    Oh Jesus, we ask for your healing...

  2. Father God Thank YOU for devine healing.......total devine healing from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet.....Daddy knit together every part of his brain...
    heal Richy Daddy God.....

    Total healing....protection...

    Send Your angels and place them around him and guard over Your favorite little man.

  3. we are praying; there is no God like our God, Healer

  4. Just talked to Richy. Here's some details.

    R2 had a really bad seizure, and was hardly breathing, so they took him in. He kept having seizures while at the hospital, so they gave him so big meds. The meds stopped the seizures almost immediately, but then he stopped breathing completely. After a couple minutes, their were about 20 doctors all around R2, and they called in the chaplains for R1 and Jess cause they thought they were going to loose R2. Right then Leah called and told R1 to “have faith right now!” R1 went a laid hands on R2, and he started breathing again pretty soon. Now he’s stable, and they’ve run some test and still have some to do. Leah also had a vision of a fire ball over R2, saying that is his healing, and we need to praying for healing, not just that he live.


  5. Richy just called..........

    They removed the breathing tube about 1am.....Little Richy ss glad to have that out.

    They are going to move him to a regular room this afternoon.

    He is not considered critical any more......PRAISE GOD!!

    Richy has been talking like his old self...he looks good.

    We are still holding on and believing GOD for 100% total healing in R2.


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