
Tuesday, October 2, 2007

using a tiny little hijacked signal here... my real internet should be hooked up later today... we're in the new apartment....
it was a LOT of work to get here, and I still have far too many material posessions.
More on that later. Just checking in!


  1. Hey hows it going? Just checkin in. Glad to here you are all moved in. Hey we have had that exact pizza scenerio several times!! Anyways, I have hijacked the church internet for a little while and thought I would drop in! I also am up and running on the pie and dessert business so I need orders! Anybody needs anything give me a call! 936-524-4966. Also I need help with the name so I though maybe Jess you could do one of your polls. This is what I am choosing between
    Where's My Pie??
    Your favorite dessert is just a phone call away.


    Sweet Surrender
    Give in to your passion for desserts.

    So let me know what y'all think I need to order business cards soon. Or if you have any other name ideas I am still open for suggestions. Love you guys!! And rememeber there is no better way to end a fast then with dessert!!!

  2. awesome... for some reason I love both of those names.
    But I am IN love with Where's My Pie? Gotta use it.

  3. Thanks Jess, what do you think of the slogan I put with it? Got any better ideas? Let me know. I will try to check in again later.

  4. where's my pie

    sweet surrender is nice, but the slogan "give in to your passion..." makes me think of giving into sin

    sorry, it's just how i think

    i know, i'm weird

    but my vote is for where's my pie?

  5. Where's My Pie? is good. The slogan is good. On the business card, you could have a 3 or 4 item to do list, with "Get Pie" being the only one unchecked. The other items on the list could be realated to having guest over or getting your place ready for a party.

  6. Instead of "Get Pie," it should be "Get Dessert" since you do other stuff.

  7. I would never order the cinnamon rolls at Grandy's Restaurant because they were advertised as...

    "Sinnamon" Rolls

    I thought that was Horrible!

  8. Why not use

    "Where's my PIE?!"

    and then

    a sigh of relief


    and then as your slogan......

    "Sweet Surrender"

  9. Eva asked me to do a “click here” spot for a video, so click here.

  10. Also, please pray. Shannon has been bleeding some for three days. We have an ultrasound tomorrow evening to find out what’s up. I’m taking the day off so she lay around and not have to care for Keith. Our hope is that the baby is healthy, and maybe she will have to do some bed rest. If bed rest is needed, her mother will be coming over to stay with us. Update probably after 8 PM Texas time tomorrow.

  11. my four cents about the pies:

    I like "where's my pie?"

    and i agree that sweet surrender sounds like surrendering to sin. sorry for reading too much into that. =)

    and i think you have to stick with "where's my pie?" not "where's my dessert?" just because dessert doesn't really have the same ring to it.

    it's kind of like burlington coat factory. they say it's coats, but it's really everything else. but burlington general merchandise factory doesn't really have the ring to it.


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