It is amazingly quiet in here. Yesterday around this time, Leah came to visit with her kids. Her 2 year old (3 in a few days) and my 2 year old are VERY excited playmates. So we had a 5 year old, 2 2 year olds, and a 1 year old that were giddy with excitement to see each other. It was very noisy.
When R2 got home from school, he tried really hard to hang out, but ended getting overstimulated and losing it. Kinda saw it coming. I think he was very relieved to go to school today. :)
So we only had 24 hours to hang out and limited funds... we stayed up late talking and today we hit the best thrift store ever and McDonald's. It was very, very fun and I was so glad to get to see my sister, even if just for one day! I'm stoked about living in the same state as her again someday....
So they took off for home, eventually and I put Toby and Bean down for naps. Now I'm just soaking in the silence until the crumb-crunchers wake up and demand food...
R2 is riding the bus home today. It will be his first bus ride ever... I think he'll be excited. Pictures definitely to come! Ah, nuts.. forgot about early release! The bus just dropped him off and I didn't have my camera! Well, tomorrow is another day.
Fun Pics! Was Leah already in the area and just came by for a day?
ReplyDeleteJust talked to my mom. My parents are going to the hospital to see Rachel after they get off work. I'm jealous.... wish I could be there to see Jeremy, Meredith, and Rachel.
I asked my mom to snap some cell pics and send to me.
Just got off the phone with Jeremy.
ReplyDeleteRachel was exactly 7 lbs and 19 inches. She has brown hair, I didn’t get the eye color. Jeremy said she’s very cute. He and Meredith both cried when they were holding her the first time. Rachel was crying and Jeremy told her, “It’s ok, daddy is here, shhh,” and she stopped crying. They’re both very happy. Meredith is doing good, and nursing has gotten off to a good start. Everyone is happy and healthy! Praise the Lord!
My dad is driving Jeremy to their apartment to get cell phone chargers and stuff to have at the hospital for their three days there. He will text me some pictures later, and I’ll get them up on my blog and give a link here.
Congratulations to two of the greatest people I know! Welcome Rachel...Mama
ReplyDeleteCongrats! I am sure she is beautiful! We are praying that Meredith has a quick recovery!
ReplyDeleteWelcome Rachel Peterson and great job Mere and Jere
ReplyDeleteWOW.......I am so so happy for you..all three.....Brand new little family....
ReplyDeleteNo picture yet. They are very tired and trying to get some rest.
ReplyDeleteMeet Rachel Elizabeth Peterson
ReplyDeleteWAY CUTE!!!
A Peterson Baby all the way!!!
just beware. All baby visitors will be shot on site. I repeat DO NOT visit Jeremy and Merideth. All gifts will be burned in the lake of fire. (jk)
ReplyDeleteMy sister-in-law, Meredith, gave birth to Jeremy and her first baby today
ReplyDeleteJosh! Meredith gave birth to Jeremy?????
Grandparents only is a great rule for first week of life- spoken like a true grandmother !!
ReplyDeleteTobias and Kai remind me of Caleb and Graceson-- Buds for LIFE!
ReplyDeleteAh, the evil grammer anon has returned.
ReplyDeleteI shall make an edit.
evil grammer anon????
ReplyDeletecome on, josh, it reads that mere gave birth to jere plus a 1st baby
now that there is funny
mere had a rough go at labor
ReplyDeleteno wonder a c section was needed