This morning we all went to school... We dropped R2 off at his class and then went off to meet with the autism specialist. R2 was kinda concerned about Brynn and Toby being in his classroom, so we cleared out pretty quick. I had warned Elly about the likelihood of widespread toddler destruction, so she brought in a box of toys. Not very good toys, but different, so they were a hit.

Toby put together a Mr. Potato Head (also known as "Buzz an Woody, mama!") It was pretty fascinating to watch him put ears on the mouth and stuff... he made some very interesting potatoes.
We filled out a lot of paperwork.. today was what's called a social history, which is basically a verbal interview with me. I discussed his medical history, and what I consider his current skills, and what goals I have for the future.
The thing is, the last couple of years, I have just been going day-to-day. My goals have been things like, I wish he would quit making that sound, or learn to put on his own shoes. Today, when she asked, the first thing that came to my mind was, "Independence."
I want him to be able to do by himself. Not live alone, necessarily, but maybe have a job... I almost started crying when I talked about him maybe learning to read. I didn't realize that was so important to me. I feel like we've made progress this last 3 weeks... I have new hope for R2.
A vid from when the Babes were in town...
Jess, you love to read! Isn't it interesting how we sometimes don't comprehend what is deeply important to us, then it just suddenly grips our heart, & our eyes are open to it.
ReplyDeleteCute, she's learning to walk!!
Meredith called me this morning.. at 9am her water broke!
She wanted me to let everyone know.. & also that they won't be wanting company over to their home for awhile. : ) Yay, my niece will be here soon. <3
So what's the word on baby Rachel Elizabeth and mommy mere?
ReplyDeleteGot a text at 8:30 CST from Jere saying that Mere was at 3 cm, so they are in for a long night.
ReplyDeleteSounds like things are moving along fine... slow, but fine.
We'll report in the morning ASAP.
I had an eight hour meeting today with my work group. They surprised me and a pregnant team member with a dual baby shower at lunch. It was so nice of them. They bought us several very cute clothes items and gave a $75 Babies-R-Us gift card. I have a really great team that I work with!
ReplyDeleteDid Meredith have to go to the hospital? Or is she still at the birthing center?
ReplyDeleteFrom the text I got (Which I think is Beth C. on Jere's phone), she's at the hospital.
ReplyDeleteI'll give more as I know.
I sent a check in text 25 minutes ago and no reply yet. Rachel could be working on her entry now.
ReplyDeleteI'll post as soon as I know more.
Jeremy called Shannon a bit ago.
ReplyDeleteMeredith is feeling stressed being at the hospital cause they have her on time tables of what they will do if she doesn't progress. She exhausted from being up all night. If she doesn't progress within a couple hours, the hospital will push for a c-section.
We all wish she were at home relaxing so her body could progress easier, but we all just want healthy baby of course.
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ReplyDeletewe have called people to pray for there to be a quick labor and much peace!!!!!
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ReplyDeleteGot Text:
ReplyDeleteC section 7 lbs 11:58
So, Rachel was born by c-section at 11:58 Cental time and is 7 lbs.
Congraulations to Jeremy, Meredith, and Rachel!! Let the oos and ahhs begin!! Praise the Lord for a healthy and quick recovery for mommy and much life all!
YAY!!!! Congrats to Medith & Jeremy!! Can't wait to see that little one!
ReplyDeleteDoes Rachel have hair? What color?
ReplyDeleteDon't know anything else yet. I just texted to ask for a pic. If I get one, I'll make my profile.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute video of Bean! She is such a big little Bryncess.......
ReplyDeleteInternet back! Woo Hoo!
Yippeeeee Welcome little Rachel.....Red Hair Green eyed beauty......I am praying for the family and a speedy recovery for MOM.