Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Your baby looks like a dork

I'm in the process of googling haircuts for Toby. There are lots of sites to choose from. Yep. Tons. If I were looking for the "My mom cut my hair, please beat me up" appeal, that is.

I don't get it. I like my kids to look like miniature humans. Did I sign a clause that specified my kids have to look geeky till they're teenagers?

I mean, whatever. If you're into the whole sailor-suit and bowl cut thing, fine! I won't judge, pretty much. But I just want something hip, on a kid. Here are some of the options I found online.

Seriously. Do these people like their kids?

So I will go somewhere with a picture of a grownup with a cool haircut, and the stylist will give me one of those same geeky 2 year-old mandatory haircuts anyway. Nuts.

In other news, Richy refused to read my blog yesterday due to his suspicion that it was inferior content. I urge you, as blog constituents, to call and email and text him and urge him to rethink his position.


  1. You could always give Toby the Daddy cut.


  2. Shannon has cut Keith hair two (or maybe it's three) times. I was worried the first time, but she did good and has gotten better.

  3. I agree with Josh. Shave R2 & Toby. Then you'd have 3 MOG's running around the house!


  4. when did you all start that MOG thing?

  5. I started calling Richy the MOG several years ago, after we heard somebody else say it... in kinda creepy reverence about an evangelist

  6. I just remember cutting all my guys hair with varying outcomes. Daddy was pretty content with whatever as long as it wasn't short. Those of you who knew him know that he wore it with one side pretty much sticking up to the wind. he was confident of his beauty and thought not too much of how high he pulled up his belt or mustard embellishing his shirt. Bob is of the same mindset and cuts his own hair with magnificent results. I cut a bowl cut on Calvin, the rock star, when he was 4 and he was horrified and wore a hat for a month. He said " I can't go to playschool like this." mama lavonda jean

  7. And my excellence in coloring can be testified by many. As long as it is blonde. mama Lavonda jean

  8. Ahhhh. So beautiful...

    Aunt Tammy used to do the double french braid deal on me when I visited her.

    Of course, she has the 80s as her excuse.

  9. I can’t decide which looks worse, some of these haircuts or that McCain/Palin graphic.

  10. Still holding on to Ron Paul? - Richy

  11. Haha, no. But, I will vote with my conscience and values, which will likely mean I vote for the Constitution Party candidate, who is Pastor Chuck Baldwin. He is a true conservative. Why would I vote for McCain just because he has a good VP? McCain will still have the bill signing pen in his hand. If the Democratic majority in the House and Senate pass an embryonic stem cell research bill, McCain will still sign it (this is just one example). Palin does very little to get me any closer to McCain. McCain is still in the driver’s seat. He selected Palin to lour true conservatives and women in. How does Palin being his VP change anything?

    I have a blog entry drafted explaining my stance and reasoning that I’ll probably publish this weekend for you to read.

  12. This quote sums it up:

    "Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost." -- John Quincy Adams

  13. "When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing."

    - Enrique Jardiel Poncela

    whoever that is?

    Jess, you still got it! great read

  14. I wish McCain would use my stem cells instead. Ha.
    I figured you had an opinion Josh. Thanks for updating us. Yeah, it's true, Palin got the conservatives on board! Something in me thinks she could be President!? Or it could just be gas. - Richy

  15. My 3 precious sons experienced everything from bowls literally used as outlines---to "mullots" ---and o my goodness-- sharp scissors too close to little ears---my poor babies--Chuck even has a big scar on one of his ears--how did my boys ever survive ME?

  16. I fully expected to come in here and find full blown hurricane hysteria! What's up? I am so disapointed...

    Matt is currently cleaning the garage so we can fit at least one car in there just in case. He leaves to go out of town tommorow, So I will be all alone.

  17. for real, where is all the Ike talk now?
    wild weekend ahead

  18. Ike is now being called Houston's Hurricane. Projected to go right over down town H-town.

    About to call my folks.

  19. Oh yeah.. It's hurricane hectic time.. Can you find peace in the the midst of THIS monster storm? Cat 3 coming your way! Sustained winds of 120mph. Storm surge of 10-20FT! All forcasts have it going right over H-town baby!

    Does that help? (contributing to Hurricane Hysteria)

    STOCK PLENTY OF WATER! FILL YOUR BATHTUBS! Seriously! Pray protection! Love you all.. good luck - Richy (From Kansas City, MO)

  20. So my parents are on vacation with the Reicherts in Cancun, so I had to go to there house and move all my moms massive plants to the barn. Just me and Janice Miller because Matt left this morning to go out of town. I ended up putting the BBQ pit in the hallway because it was to heavy to drag to the barn!

    I have water, batteries, candles, brownies and nearly a full tank of gas so I think I am ready.

    I called my landlord to tell him that all the neighbors where boarding up their windows. He said he was evacuating so he wasn't worried he has insurance. Of course then he assured me that I should be fine.

  21. i dont think it aint some kinda political george bush plot. hurricane hittin houston on 9 11 i knew it was him this whole dat gum tyme. dang ole hurricane. think i'll go and punch it in its eye... ive done it to tornadees and a hurricane, well itaint no differnt.


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