
Friday, October 12, 2007

*updated* about CTK and such

My new refrigerator will be arriving any minute... the main thing that bummed me out about this apartment was the broken-ish old fridge.... isn't it like God to get me a new one even though I didn't say anything? YAY!

Ms. Smartypants is the definitive advice columnist of whatever century this is. Ask her your questions about love, life, manners, politics.... whatever. She will answer at least one of you. So make it good.

I hope my fridge is really on its way. Because all my foods are currently uncooling on the kitchen counter. Have a happy weekend!

The way I said the CTK/Sanctuary thing was more flippant than I really feel. All this transition is hard for me... I don't like change. We'll explain a little better next week... but know this, CTK family- you are so loved and so much family to me. Hopefully we can make all these transitions with grace.


  1. WHAT!! Now that CTK and TSC start at the same time, we can only go to one on the Sunday we're in TX. We're planning to go to CTK.


  2. O.K. THAT REALLY STINKS! first you're moving away; then we're never going to see you before you move. great!

  3. guess we'll have to have a blog Paartaaayyy

  4. It's going to be hard not being at CTK for these last months... I'll be glad to be with my sister and mom, though

  5. Dear Mrs. Smartypans,

    What priority class do you suggest for Jessica to enroll in so she can understand that friends come before family?

    Thank you,
    Trashed in Texas

  6. Mrs. SP,

    Is it really possible to love someone, but not like them?

    No Love Louie

  7. Dear Mrs. SP,

    When will I find my soulmate?

    Soulless in San Diego

  8. How do you know when you have found "the one?"

  9. At what age should bed wetting stop? I worried...

    Pee Peeing in Pasadena

  10. What! I can't believe it............

    Good grief.............no more Tobias and Chips and Salsa with Bedste?

    Wassup with that?


    Snobbed in CutnShoot

  11. Has this been ok'd by R2.........

    He looks so forward to Rancho..


  12. Brynn will change a lot in 2 months.

    This STINKS baaaaad

    I do NOT agreee.............

  13. Dear Ms Smartypants,

    Would it not be wise for Jess & Family to compromise just a bit and attend church at CTK maybe once or twice a month? At least once a month for the sake of Viking Granny - sheesh! And what about Josh & Shannon when they visit in December? Would it not show brotherly love to attend CTK for them?

    I fear this shift might create a great chasm in the universe.

    Concerned CTK Member
    aka sivadnorahs

  14. yeah....

    what'd we doooooo?????

  15. i never saw any "comments" you referenced in your blog about ctk/sanctuary...

    did i MISS something???

  16. man! yall shoulda been at RG last night! i ended up in the sanctuary at 8 p.m. (after I had heard an hour long of really powerful worship-going strong)from the library...

    anyway, there were about 100!!! kids and people there!!! That was a huge crowd! and they were so pumped and excited and then the drama team did two pieces - one was your dad's piece i heard Jess... Mistie gave her testimony - anyway, POWER FUL music video drama - and then crystal gave her words - and i know at least 20 people came up to the front to have prayer and to get their lives straight and to give it all up for God!!!!
    it was AWESOME to see so much good happening.

    i was so proud of all the leaders who had worked so hard on all of that... and there was much fruit!

    i left before the pizza party....

    but, if any of you who were involved in RG last night read this... all i have to say is WOW AND PRAISE THE LORD !!!

    lives were being changed! including mine!

  17. oh - say a prayer for han bee

    she's on the way to WINNIE, USA to lead a youth worship seminar!

    they start at 11 am today...

    she will also lead worship on sunday morning there...

    she is teaching on the HEART of WORSHIP today...

    canyabelieveit? my little Hannahbee is traveling to teach worship seminars??? wow!

    and Jewel went with her.... what a blessing!

  18. ok - well, i'm delaying packing and cleaning - so, i'd better get off of this thang...

    i have a MOVE to make the end of this month... and I'M NOT TAKING ALL OF THIS WITH ME!

  19. Mrs. Smarty Pants...

    where do ALL THE bloggers go on Sats and Sundays???

  20. in a round-about way i just heard from my mother that hann will be flying from dallas to las vegas at midnight next fri - then by noon the next day (12 hours later) be flying back to dallas...

    what's that all about? and who is it that will be flying with her?

    my mom said someone else will be flying also...

  21. i never know anything anymore

    inform me!

  22. Radiant ended up playing at the Call Vegas... so Han and Nate are flying in for like 12 hours in between dancing at the Shatter event.

  23. jess - do you know of a site i can go to look up this "shatter" thing...

    my girls have been so busy with dance and daughters and work and Philly and such that they haven't told me anything about shatter conference.... except that they're going to a D city...on next Thurs, i think...

    wonder how hann's doing down there in willie nillie?

  24. shatterfestival.com

    If you can't go to the Call.. you should go to Shatter. It costs $$, but it's only in Dallas and it is going to rock!

    In other news: upon further discussion with the MOG, we may be alternating Sanctuary/CTK for the remainder.. and man, I'd like to make it to a Father's House Feed-for-All....

  25. some of us might not have such a difficult time with every other Sunday.........

    and we should all gather at TFH on the Third Sunday of each month.....

    no joke.

  26. You better come to TFH at least once!!! The feed for all is this Sunday. But it is every third Sunday so try to make it at least once!! This week I believe we are doing casseroles? I willdouble check. But it doesn't matter it is almost always good and if you let me know ahead of time that you are coming I will be sure to make you something CHOCOLATE!!!


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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