
Friday, October 19, 2007


After a long day of obsessively making lists and eventually packing, we were off. I said goodbye to my babies.... sigh. My mom picked us up and the MOG (speaking of obsessive) spent 20 minutes looking for his OTHER sunglasses.
I was looking so cute in my overalls with all the brass buttons and buckles. They loved me in airport Security. They just wanted me to stay and stay. I was wanded.... excessively. Everything beeped. *undie alert* even my foundation garments... every dadgum button set off the thing. Wanded wanded. I had to take off my shoes, unbuckle my overalls, arms up, arms down. (that's what it's all about) Frisked, TWICE.

i have to stop this newsy little tome as we have to go now. Catch ya later.

No Smartypants this week.

False alarm. We don't really have to go... because the MOG has to get some Jesus... this is possibly the most oppressive city I have ever been in.
Anyways. Frisked, and then we get to our gate as the flight is boarding. The flight was 3 hours, which is LONG. I did watch my first in-flight movie (Nancy Drew)... that was fun. Unfortunately, we were seated far, far away from each other. But it was okay. My seat companions were British, and I just blissfully eavesdropped on the accents for a while.

Got here. Pacific time. It is so trippy to take off, fly for three hours, and land one hour after takeoff. Ride shuttles and buses and such until we finally get our rental mini-van. I was hoping for something sporty, in fact, I rented a Jeep Liberty online. But we have to pick up the whole band tonight, and besides, the car rental place was out of SUVs. So they rented us a minivan for the same price, which is awesome. And... matronly.

We drove in crazy circles. Figuring out a new city is always a challenge, and doing it dog-tired is wacky. After 4,983 hours, we finally went to sleep. The end.


  1. 3 hour flight is long????
    go overseas & see how you like those flights!

    Airport tips:
    never wear overalls w/brass buttons
    wear slip on shoes

    then thank God that there is some security in our airports; we do not need another 9/11

  2. Jess, you have such a good outlook. They just LOVED you at airport security.

    Hope y'all are having a GREAT time!


    The cookieman and i are officially shopping for a new place to live - preferrably in town but far away from potential law-breaker and muggers.

    If you know of anything you think i should know about, please send info my way - lisbeth.rogers@gmail.com


  3. buying or renting?
    house or apt?

  4. I can imagine the airport screeners going home and telling their family about the annoying lady that wore overalls with all those clasp.... funny!

  5. Happy- our landlord may have a couple other places available. They are "in town."


    Sam Brownback is expected to announce very soon that he is dropping his run for President. This leaves true conservatives only one option, Ron Paul.

    Please watch this video and then some of the others linked on the page. If you supported Ronald Regan, you will support Ron Paul.

    I would be glad to answer any questions or hear comments- jandscontact@comcast.net

    I’m not trying to be political on the blog… this is very important life stuff!

  7. wonders if the call will be held on vegas strip
    best place for it

  8. No Smartypants?!
    Yikes! What are we to do?

    Dear Ms Dummydress . . .

    No, that will not do.

    Dear Ms IntellectTrousers . . .

    Better, but no prize.


  9. RENT


    Thanks, Josh......it's kind of a long commute from that in town to my in town

  10. PhotoShoot was a success!

    all these babies are so preciouse

  11. I think I will saty home and sleep all day Monday...........

    Brynn drinks approx 24 oz in 24 hours.

    that is easy to remember......

    Every three hours like clock work all night long.....but during the day...she is distractred and entertained by her brothers. so she streateches out her feedings, but drinks more than 3 oz to make up for it, I am guessing.

    Other than lack of sleep.......
    these kids are a breeze....Low Mantenaince....chilled out.....happy babies..........

    Brynn is in the bean bag chair looking around......Tobias is in and out of the Playroom entertianing Brynn while her bottle runs under hot hot water..

    R2 is still snoozing......in the bedroom and Mercy and Madi are on the couch and recliner.....Konked

    for now......

    These babies are so photogenic.....

    They are all so beautiful and they had so much fun.


  12. 23 hours to Uganda is what I would call LOOOONG!

    Tobias 24/7 does the drums to "I delight" and now R2 is singing the words and Mercy and Madi are making their own oatmeal.....and humming it....

    I never thought I would have too much of that kool song....BUT I DO

  13. dun dun dun..........
    dun dun dun...........
    dun dun dun..........

  14. Everyone is down for the nite or for the next 3 hours....

    should I clean house or rest?

    Do you know why God gives the young YOUNG?


    What a blessing they are...but so exausting.....

    Even the best of the best is exausting.....

    Nite all.....

  15. I will never ever wonder why anyone hasn't cleaned their entire house and cut everyones fingernails and cooked dinner and done the laundry ever ever again.

    I will forever be the best and most understanding and compassionate and loving MIL in the entire world!

  16. love ya VKG...and I love how you adore your grandbabies. And how you aren't afraid to take em all on at once! =)

  17. and salt, I guess. Should anyone care. =)

  18. Or frist. Whatever.

  19. Second...................

    Love you too Lisa.........but I do NOT take them all any more.

    I used to enjoy having all of them at the same time and giving all of my children time "off" at the same time......But they kept multiplying and multiplying .......


    10 is alot......Steph came over with her 5 and helped me during the photo shoot.......Mercy and Madi stayed over night....and o my goodness.......those girls make everything so much easier....


  20. Wow.......
    Last Nite was so different.

    I guess God knew how tired I was.....

    Richy and Toby went to bed around 8:30......

    Brynn went to sleep around 9:30

    She drank more than 4 oz....from her bottle.....

    I think she has gotten over the shock of how much faster the bottle gives her milk than Mommy.

    I am sure that she has stretched out her little belly some too.....

    She drank more than I expected her to.....and then she burped and dozed in the bean bag chair while I played with the photos from the shoot.

    Brynn sleeps in the playpen...next to Toby and Richard on the Futon..
    next to Bedste's bed.....all of this in a very small room but it works.

    I got smart yesterday.....and started putting a bowl of water in the mw for 2 minutes......then placing the bottle of breast milk in the water........

    this works a lot faster than running bottle under water from faucet in a bowl in the sink.....

    (only took me 3 days to figure this out)

    So....I heard Brynn stirring and starting to make her cute little fussy noises.......about 1:30am ish..

    I was prepared........I quietly jumped out of bed...ran straight to the microwave (which already had a bowl of water in it).....and I hit "222 start."

    She was only begining to fuss so I left her in the almost dark in the playpen.

    I did NOT get her out of bed and carry her into the bright kitchen and let her help me....

    I had given this much thought...

    I had been doing all of that up to this point....(and wondering why she was wide awake)

    After the 2minutes and 22 seconds was up......I shook up the already prepared bottle.....and placed it in the bowl and jumped on the computer to check my email.

    (I am anxiously awaiting comments from friends and family about the photo shoot.)

    then I blogged and read Lisa's kind words, I went to the bottle and shook it up and tested it and I went to Brynn........

    all of this took about 5 minutes...
    6 tops.....

    and guess what..?


    So I kept the bottle near me just incase ......and I crawled into bed.....and next thing I know she is crying........and it is 6:00AM!


    Her diaper needed to be changed....
    but Jess says I sometimes over do that....so I let her stay in it and we snuggled in Bedste's bed and drank our bottle and slept..

    till sunbreak.....bout 30 more minutes....

    then Tobias starts sweet little morning jabbering....

    Richy and Brynn are sound asleep and I am feeling rested and happy and I could get up, but why?

    So I smiled at Toby and I said shh, and then I motioned for him to come here.....

    He stomps right over R2.....and steps like he wants to walk on my bedside table, so I reached and grabbed him and snuggled him up with Bedste......all three of us slept in my bed for another 30 minutes or so........

    and then we surrounded Brynn with pillows and snuck out.....

    Now I am blogging and drinking coffee..

    Baby gate is up in the hallway so R2 and Brynn can sleep without being walked on my their brother..

    and Tobias is playing in and out of the playroom, running through the house ..and singing the drum part of "I delight".....

    dun dun dun .....dun dun dun...
    dun dun dun........

    This house is a major disaster..
    totally trashed.......

    I am really going to miss these guys......Mommy and Daddy come home today.......Brynn and I have bonded.....she is mine!

    My favorite little 8 month old.....

    God is good.........
    and I am rested....WOW!

  21. VKG
    I deliriously love the pictures...

    Coming home today!! WAHOO!

  22. and Josh- I'll check out Ron Paul. Sounds like a good guy.

  23. With the great play-by-play of the weekend grand kid watching, VKG’s next job should be as a sport’s announcer.

    Sounds like she’s enjoying it.

  24. Jess- Glad you'll check out RP. Hope you got the email I sent to everyone with his info.

    Others- If I don't have your email adddress, and you'd like to get an email I sent out about Ron Paul over the weekend, with info from my four months of research on him, let me know.

  25. Josh.........I will print what you wrote...my eyes get irritated by too much reading off the pooter.....screeen...

    JESS........Why haven't you blooooged today?



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