
Thursday, October 11, 2007

The plan was to make a quick trip to the library and the grocery...back in time to blog pre noon. We were unavoidably detained by a trip to the mall, the carousel and the Talking Tree. Fun was had by all.
Back to the apartment which stinks to high heaven because the apartments sprayed today. And may their efforts be fruitful, is all I'm gonna say about that.

I have been listening to KSBJ around the clock trying to win these Switchfoot tickets. It's a great station, but I am starting to hate EVERY song. So there you go. Peace out.


  1. and you hate every ksbj song why?
    because it is played every half hour
    and the playlist is about 8 songs
    and most of the music is milky
    sad sad sad

    frist on this blog

  2. was the talking tree talking today?
    just wondering
    usually he is silent

  3. spraying for what?

    ya, quite a few.. a lot of annoying songs on the radio. there are a few that minister to me, yet not many.

    I am thankful how God does use the few at PERFECT times! : )

    He did that Sunday while driving to bury our m/c in the woods, next to our other one. 3 perfect songs. speaking to me.

    I'd love to make a collection of all the perfect timing things God has done in ALL of my friends' lives. maybe I'll collect someday.. or just wait, there might be one in heaven when we get there. ha ha, won't that be neat??

  4. Hey Jess,

    A friend at my office is expecting her 1st grandchild & it looks as if this one will be born very early. Right now the baby is 2.7oz & the mom is on bed rest. Anyway, I showed my friend this blog & your beautiful babies. It really calmed her down.


  5. that reminds me. I have some new pics on my picture blog. You don't wanna miss them.

  6. ah, spraying for the cucaracha...

  7. m/c = miscarriage. Shannon had October 3rd. For details, go back to the blog from that day and read my post late in the evening.

  8. I was on the Boeing TV to all the sites nationwide again today. Probably around 300 people viewing my presentation.

  9. Mark your calendar-- Yo Baby Yogurt will have the finalist on their website October 15th.

  10. Oh and, I'm going to take some trash out now.

  11. Oh, and we did NOT enter Keith. Wish we would've.

  12. Oh, and I just sneeeeeeeezed... and it hurt.

  13. beautiful rose buds
    rest beneath sod
    promises of life
    gifts from a God
    Who gives gifts freely
    and yet takes away
    Who gives gifts freely
    and yet takes away

    there is a garden
    where tears water soil
    radiant beings spring forth
    to bring a Heart joy

    a Heart so large
    that beats from above
    its wee ones in worship,
    reflect His pure love

    dancing round His throne
    in innocent bliss
    reaching up to His cheek
    an angel lip kiss

    our wee ones,
    plucked from soil much too soon
    in heaven's sweet garden
    before His Majesty bloom

    where He receives honor
    and He receives praise
    where He receives glory
    their sweet hands they raise

    in sweet adoration
    they bless and they sing
    and one day we'll join them
    sweet praises will ring

  14. beautiful, pam.
    thank you.


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