
Thursday, October 18, 2007

My mission today, whether or not I choose to accept it, is to pack for 5 people for 4 days.... I have to start making lists or my brain will just combust.

The MOG and I leave for Vegas tonight. It will be my longest separation from Brynn ever. Uh, except that 2 months she lived in the hospital. But you know what I mean.
I'm pretty nervous about it. She is not such a fan of the bottle, and I haven't started solids yet. So best of luck to Viking Granny!

Oh, and in the usual way these things work, we found out that Radiant is playing before the Call again. But we get a whole hour this time, so that's cool... the songlist is exciting. There's something about opening the morning, preparing the field... hopefully we can get some video for all you cats.

The other thing happening this weekend is Shatter Festival. Leah and Tred (her dance company) will be dancing and there's a webcast. So check it out.

My stomach is all nervousy. I should take a shower now, and then wash clothes. And pack. Clothes. And bottles. And patch cords. And batteries. And **poof**


  1. No problem Jess........all we need is clothes and Brynn milk and 2 or 3 bottles........

    I was planning on enrolling R2 in day camp and cutting Tobias hair and starting Brynn on solids while you were gone...

    No problemo right?


    love you.......happy first day of being 29 dad gum years old......


  2. no problem. While you're at it, why don't you let Brynn cry it out and sleep through the night? And spank Toby.

    (this is all a joke, innocent bystander)

  3. Brynn needs to excersize her lungs anyhooo......and Tobias.....needs to learn that NO means NO!

    Don't you think it is about time to put all three of them in seat belts....Wasssup with all this carseat crapola? Too much heavy lifting......On second thought, why use these restricting seat belts....I plan on throwing all three in the back seat and they can fend for themselves and they will make it to the destination just fine....

    I bet Brynn is bout ready to make mud pies with R2 and Tobe.....maybe we can pretend like it is hot outside and play in the mud. Toby can teach Brynn how to eat the dog food out of Enochs bowl. He is good at that......

    We are going to have so much fun.

    Much tado about nuttin.......

  4. Be sure and pack clothes for the Photo Shoot........

  5. Shoot, just let R2 drive

  6. good grief, viking! it would be a great idea to pitch a tent in the back yard & have the little clarks camp out while mom & dad are away.
    you could show them how to make a camp fire & roast hot dogs & marshmallows. tobs would love the weiner on the stick! while they're out back, you could relax in your lounge chair sipping iced tea & watching your favorite tv shows & when that's finished you could just climb into your big comfy bed & get some well deserved shut eye!
    why worry about those kiddos? they can take care of themselves!


  7. Funny you should mentioned that anony, I just finished cleaning the entire play room, installed new Tobias proof baby gates...
    tossed in a couple baby bottles of milk, and sippy cups filled with RED koolaid, and I strategically placed a bowl full of twinkies and brownies and gummy bears next to the toy box.

    Threadmill in the corner incase they need to work off the RED koolaid....

    I also have a TV in their incase they get tired of Brynn crying and feel the need to turn up the volume to drown out her lung excersizes.

    Currently I am trying to decide between Harry Potter videos or the Goonies?

    Any suggestions?

  8. Good Grief Poor Brynn is 8 months old and had nottin but Mommy Milk.

    It just might be time to introduce her to Red Koolaid too....

    I bet she would really enjoy that.

  9. video suggestions for kiddos:
    Sponge Bob
    Desperate Housewives
    Bambi (every kid loves to see Bambi's mom getting shot)


  10. anonymous,
    since Brynn was born months early, it is good to wait longer than when she is 6 mo. to begin solid foods.

  11. For movies, just take them right to Mightmare on Elm Street. Then, when Toby is bad, you can just tell him he'll have to watch it again. That should keep him in line.

  12. Keith got his first official spanking yesterday. He needed it, and it was effective. He didn't cry, but it got his attention, and he stayed away from the thing he very rebelliously did to get it.

  13. mightmare on elm street?

  14. **poof**
    anything like poofers?

  15. Hey......I stopped by BlockBuster and picked up Freddy Kruger.....

    Great minds think alike...

    but I wasn't going to use it as punishment......instead.....a reward for being good....(if you are really good you can watch it again and again)

    I have a large pitcher of Red koolaid with double the sugar.....

    my sister Tracy calls this Ghetto Tea.....or something like that.

    I think the kids will really like it......even Brynny

  16. VKG is cracking me up today, very witty.

  17. Why didn't Jess mention hitting the casinos while in Vegas? You could really make some good money ya know.

  18. I am so proud of myself......

    this is a first....I mean a FRIST

    I have this really kool baby saucer from R2R I got for my newest 2 grand daughters to use at Bedste's house.......

    8 month old Brynn needs a step to use it properly and to be able to excersize her legs and practice standing up......

  19. She of course needs to burn off some extra energy that she has accumulated during all the RED koolaid consumptions.....

    She is at Bedste's house so she is going to have to sleep through the night in the back 40 in her seperate tent.....so I was hoping she would jump up and down in her saucer and exhaust herself......

  20. She kept kicking the folded up towel out of the way, so I found a tupperware or rubbermaid plastic lid and covered it with the towel and it seemed to stay put.

  21. Little Richy was bothered by the makeshift "step", as if he realized it did NOT belong there at all......

  22. so.... he of course pulled it out and put an end to my great invention......

    Brynn was happy without the step, but her little legs were not long enough to touch the bottom of the saucer without it....

    so her legs were hanging in air, while she happily chewed and played with the toys on the saucer

  23. When she tired of the saucer....

    She relunctantly drank her milk from a BOTTLE.........and then decided to take a little nap....

    So I decided to find my screw driver and unscrew all the little screws and somehow lower these legs so that my little Bryncess could excersize her chubby little legs.......

    and that is when I decided to try to look up the website for the saucer and find the instructions....

    and I did and I did and I learned how to adjust the legs with a simple push on lever "C"......

    O my........I am so proud........

    now Brynn will be happy and Richy wont be bothered by the tupperware lid and towel.......

    and life is good!


  24. you people are a riot!

    and i'm g oing to bed!!!

    shall i see any of you at the barbeque???

    i hear filming - starring none other than bethc's youngest son will occur tomorrow night!!!

    he'll be a STAR!

    announcement! 11-11-07 is the FIL-M FESTIVAL....

    besure to allow the word FIL-M to roll off of your tongue properly

    FILL-M you know... prounce it appropriately....

    there will be 3 dramatic films - with short breaks between - several other artistic works (including an animated piece) and then i believe BLOOPERS and the THE GIMMIE awards....

    6 p.m. sun night 11-11 at CTK
    bring friends and neighbors... don't bring relatives... (they just might get saved)

  25. How long will Brynn sleep on 3 oz beginning at 11:15p?

    Any guesses?

    She wakes up so happy and smiley from her naps.......she is such a beautiful child....

    I am rushing off to bed so I can sleep while the Princess Bryncess sleeps.......Maybe just maybe
    ..she will sleep 6-7 hours....

    Wouldn't that be wonderful...

    We shall see.............

    Nite all.....

  26. 3:33 am and all is well......

    Brynn likes to watch me type one handed whike her bottle is being nuked


    mw would be so much faster at 3am but then we wouldnt have time to blog,,,,

    Happy patient princess

  27. Brynn was up again at 6....so I gave her just a wittle bit of mashed potatoes........man .....
    she was hungry.....she ate like she had never ever eaten before........I started out with just a couple of tablespoons and real butter.......and she loved it.

    gobbled it all up.......Sleeping like a baby ever since......

    Tonight, Im going to add a little gravy and make it at 11p and see it I can get her to eat 7 or 8 tablespoons and sleep all nite.

    After working off the sugar rush all day long in her adjusted baby saucer, she'll be ready for some mashed taters..and a good nites sleep....

    Isn't it weird how night used to be spelled night and now everyone spells it nite......does that make it right?

    Photo shoot at 10am ........

    all 10 of the sweety pies under the same roof and one tired old woman and a camara....

  28. okeeDokeeeeSchmokey


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