
Thursday, September 20, 2007

where angels fear to tread

Only a brave or stupid woman would be blogging with this many little boys in her house... especially since they are all downstairs and I am up. BUT I can hear all their individual little voices and shrieking and the toy laptop and so forth... so here I go.
Lunch of mac and cheese with hot dogs yesterday. Everybody was chowing down except Graceson... he is looking disgruntled. So I say, "Hey- eat your food!" After a few more prompts, he says in an annoyed tone. "I need some ketchup!"
Of course, ketchup.

It was a good day... a few fights broke out. Some definite commandment breaking what with the stealing and coveting and not honoring the Sabbath by taking a nice long nap.
(As I write this, I have been joined by Toby, and R2, and then Graceson informing me that Izzy needs a spanking. Now Izzy has joined us as well. So there you go.)

Our garage is now separated into what the MOG calls "the sheep and the goats", that is, what is to be kept and what is to be donated. We have taken advantage of "large item Thursday" by our trash guys and emptied A LOT into the landfills and such, securing for ourselves our place in the carbon footprint hall of fame. So progress is being made. Slowly.

And I, I am existing. I am relatively happy and at peace. I just feel like I'm speeding past goalposts that might be important but they're already gone. I need to breathe. I need to find the secret place somewhere in here.


  1. Viking Granny :0) said...
    MCWC R2R has three part time positions available.

    Must be 18 or older
    Clean driving record
    Male or Female
    8 dollars an hour
    Woodlands area
    available to work 3-4 days a week
    including EVERY SATURDAY

    Send resumes to ME or Call my cell phone...to set up an interview etc.

    Call TODAY is interested. Must fill these positions immediatly

    Viking Granny :0) said...
    MCWC R2R has three part time positions available.

    Must be 18 or older
    Clean driving record
    Male or Female
    8 dollars an hour
    Woodlands area
    available to work 3-4 days a week
    including EVERY SATURDAY

    Send resumes to ME or Call my cell phone...to set up an interview etc.

    Call TODAY is interested. Must fill these positions immediatly

    Eva Joy :0)

  2. Another video from Bin Laden... that guy oughta just get a podcast

  3. jess! where are all your fans????

    speaking of fans....

  4. and go ahead, speak of fans

  5. I may have fallen from popularity

  6. WELL, there are your CEILING fans...

  7. Thank the good Lord for bathroom exhaust fans!

  8. Spoken only as a TRUE man could speak;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


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