
Saturday, December 29, 2007


Here we are... in such a cute little house with deep snow all around. What the heck is my life? I never even considered moving prior to July... God just orchestrated this.

It was a smooth trip. Toby sang and played his keyboard and talked and watched cars go by and was pretty happy in general. Bean slept most of both drives. We drove 8 hours the first night, and stopped and stayed with Nate's family in Tulsa. Then about a 4 hour drive yesterday, and then a couple of frustrating hours driving trying to find a bank, and the realtors. Finally we got here. It's a pretty, small house. Beautiful wood floors and everything is freshly painted. Toby likes to run the wood floors from one end to the other whilst shrieking. So he's all settled in.

Then it was off to the airport to get Grandma and R2, who had had adventures all day waiting in airports, and getting delayed, and switching planes and so on. All of which R2 thought was VERY exciting. He was so excited when he and I were in the backseat of the van, he was using words and telling me about the airplane and the sky and all of his adventures. When we got to the house, he was really curious about the snow, but me, not so much. Maybe I'll let him play with a little snow today, when the SUN is out.

Now I am cowering in my bed, afraid to face the cold floors and try to find everything. The boys are still sleeping, or frozen.

So there you go. We made it, and today is the first day in the Big Winter.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. O Jess...........

    I can see you all.........

    I bet Richy had a blast with Gramma

    I love it when he talks his head off and when he is excited over new adventures.

    He is such a little man.

  3. How can I mail you a huge oriental rug.........?

    You would not have been able to fit it anywhere anyway....

    Maybe you can find a RESALE shop in the area that sells rugs.

    I am so glad that Tobias did so well on the trip.

    Brynn too.

    R2 Too....

    Did you drive all the way or switch off?

    Have you driven on snow yet?

    Tobias has successfully given Nanna Banana and Bedste and Jan his cold.........before leaving Texas.

    Socks and long johns, Sweats and socks...wood burning stoves and .....more socks.....

    That is what I remember most about living in Danmark and Washington and Oregon........mostly Danmark or Denmark as you foreigners like to say.....LOL

    You all will adjust and love it.

    Gods Grace is so AWESOME.

    When you get back to Texas to VISIT or LIVE it will seem so unbarably HOT after all the cold climate adjusting your little family had done.

    I am so happy for you Jess.

    Enjoy you Mama and Radiant team and unpack later.......


  4. FYI---- Radiantrevolution.com DOWN?

    email is coming back..

    return to sender......


    Have you blocked your MIL?

    Has the snow frozen the email lines in KC?


  5. we'll check out the email situration... you are not being blocked.
    I drove for 5 or 6 hours, and a little bit on the snow.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I am so proud of you....no snow tires and you did great.....

    Danish Christmas Dinner

  9. Happy Actual Bday Tobias 24 hours too late.......

    Official 2 yr old!

  10. Happy Birthday to Toby!

    Congratulations on your successful move to cold country. Don't worry. It gets hot in the summer.

    Oh yeah. Please buy snow tires. Yikes!

  11. Happy New Year to the east coast!

  12. What funny Christian slogans can we have for 2008? 2007 had "touch heaven in 2007." I always laugh at these "Christian" slogans.

    "Walk straight in 2008"
    "Don't settle for fate in 2008"
    "Long for the pearly gate in 2008"
    "Upon the Lord we'll wait in 2008"
    "Pray to find a mate in 2008"
    "Eat from His plate in 2008"

  13. yeah! snow! It is going to be a new year in a few minutes. NOt that it is going to look any different than the old one. I will just say happy new year to me. No one else is awake. Happy new year, north lands and west lands and all of yall here with me on the southern coastland.-G

    i actually fell asleep way before midnight,
    but I'm ready for GREAT in 2008!

    Use life to provide something that outlasts it.

    B. C. Forbes (1880-1954)
    Founder of Forbes magazine

  15. Happy NEW YEAR! Wet and Cold in CutNShoot.........

    Snowing in KC?

    Wassup in Washington?

  16. What was the CALL KC like?

    Sharon said she saw some of it on www.GodTV.com or something like that....

  17. Not snowing...The Call was crazy! As intense as Nashville, but different. A lot of cool things set in motion!!!

  18. Such as.........?

  19. Did Radiant play the night b4 or at the actual?


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