
Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Christmas is 5 days away. There are a jillion little presents under our tree.... because I went a little nuts and wrapped everything separately. As in, one little Hot Wheel car. One tub of playdoh... it was fun and it will be interesting to see how it goes Christmas morning. I imagine once Toby opens his piano, he won't care about anything else. I am a Christmas junkie. I love it. the music and the movies and the shopping madness and all of it. Interesting, nothing spiritual there. I don't associate it so much with the birth of Jesus... wonder if I am just a crass commercialist American?
I'll think about it. But now, let's have a little poll.

When it comes to receiving Christmas presents, I am:
Kwality Kathy: I want one expensive/nice present.
Greedy Grace: I want a lot of small presents, maybe one medium or big.
Ebenezer Scrooge: I don't care about presents, I don't want any and I won't buy you one.
Other Otto: I will explain in the comments.


  1. I prefer one awesome (essentially expensive in most cases, but it is individually defined as to price..$100+++++.) gift
    and then some smaller, yet thoughtful/creative gifts.

    the greatest gift is love and financial freedom!

  2. i am sensible sally

    i would like to have a couple or a few practical quality gifts. no junk please.

  3. sensible here too

    somehow i feel a bit guilty for thinking that christmas is gifts & not forcusing on THE GIFT - CHRIST

    though i love it all for the kiddos

    the season has become too commercial

    but what does one expect in such a sinful world


    christmas comes but once a year...


  4. It's time for one of those poems where one person writes a line, then another that rhymes, etcetera...

    here's the rules.... since it's my blogg-n-all....

    only write one line....that adds to the previous line by revealing more of a story.... if you write one line... you cannot come back in with another line until 2 other persons have had their turn....

    so... this is a POEM FOR JESS

    i'll start....

  5. Twas the night before Christmas...

  6. ahem......

    Nate.... your line was supposed to rhyme!!! '

    it was ok for the second line not to rhyme with the first..... that is how it is with poetry....

    so, you have an opportunity to redeem yourself - we'll give you another chance...

    Twas the night before Christmas...
    and all through the house....

  7. not a creature was stirring
    not even a mouse

    the stockings were hung by the chimney with care

    in hopes that St Nicklaus soon would be there

  8. suddenly, a bat swooped in and killed em all. Dead.

  9. I saw something rolling on the ground, and noticed it was a head

  10. What's this? I cried! It's terribly grisly!

  11. poor widdle batboy

    sufferin suckotash

  12. We got some sick people on here.

  13. jess must be sick too cause she aint put up thursdays blog yet

    maybe she thinks thursday begins at 6pm


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