
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Time to pack

It was a very Merry Christmas... fun and family and such. I did spend too much time in worry mode, as is typical of me and holidays. But overall very happy.
Yesterday around 3 we got back from the Clarks, and KSBJ was merrily playing in the background. R1 switched it off and said, "Okay. Christmas is OVER." Then I said, "Welcome to hell." Which was hilarious, and I wish he would have said it.

So today is the big pack day. We have about half of our stuff packed, and I am supposed to be doing more now, or at least laundry. Just wanted to check in.... I'll be able to blog from Richy's iPhone even when all the computers are packed, so fear not.

Took a gazillion pictures over Christmas, (and saw the Josharoos!) but I won't be able to put any of those up till next week sometime, from my little blue house in the heart of America.


  1. Happy Birthday Graceson..........

    Happy Happy 4th!

  2. I have been to College you know....


    You are a great teacher......

    I will use that skill again. I saved it to my desktop and labeled it....."instructions from Jess"

  3. If I go to bed then when I wake up you will be leaving and I will be watching you leave.......


    I am so proud of you 5...but these waves keep running over me.....and then I am fine again....

    The world does NOT revolve around Bedste.......cuz if it did ......
    KC would come to The Woodlands..
    the entire IHOP team.....Bickle and all.......

    I am glad you gave me a job...for the morning.....
    that makes it so much easier to be strong and happy and wave bye.

    I love you ....God Bless YOU ALL for the next 1-5 and 4ever...

    every 6-8 weeks is not so long...

    I do not want you to go, but I am so proud of you and want you to hurry up and get on the road...

    So confusing........

    You have made a difference to so many people and impacted so many lives...

    2008 is the year of new beginnings
    for all of us........

    Being Obediant......listening to HIS voice.......and obeying HIM.

    Good bye sweet Jessica and my precious Richy.....

    My heart aches for you all already.

    God has HIS eye on you and you ARE in HIS will.......What a safe peaceful wonderful place to be.....

    I love you :0)

  4. dido mom...

    will miss yall... Much Love! - Arb

  5. Hey guys, I hope you are having a safe trip. I just wanted to tell you both that you will be missed, but I am so excited for you and what God is going to do in you and through you! You know Jess it is strange I have known you for years but if feels like only recently that we have really started to "get to know" each other. I know Matt and I value our relationship with you guys and we are praying for you. I am just so excited to see what God is going to do. You better hold on Jess, I have a feeling for you it is going to be one wild ride. God has just been waiting for you to position yourself so he can woo you once again! Love you guys!

  6. Oh and by the way I love your hair!!!

  7. are we there yet???

    are we there yet???

    are we there yet???

  8. we're still Christmassing in my side of the family - Fri night we'll go to Meme's and Happy's home with all the relatives on that side...

    Then, on Sunday, you're ALL invited to our OPEN HOUSE from 3 - ???

    i'll pass out little maps at CTK Sunday morning...

    Jess, you'd better not miss it!


  9. vkg, i wish you'd come on Sun to my house....

    you can help me!!!

    i really need someone with a brain...

    but i'll settle for you....



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