
Wednesday, December 5, 2007

On Target, On Donder and Jail-en

I'm off to Target to give the manager what-for. Updates later!
Actually, I'm not going anywhere just yet. The MOG has all the keys, and I have to wait for him to hobble across the street and bring them back.
Long story short: police were beckoned yesterday because of R2's "injuries". They let us go, no problem. But I need to do a little education about the difference between abused and special needs children. Grrr.

So here's what happened. R2 has a mark on his face from where he smacked himself during a tantrum. So yesterday, we went to Target just for the sake of getting out of the house. We shopped for an hour or so, and when we left, the police came and parked behind us (3 officers) and said that someone had called because there was some concern about R2's injuries. Right away, I thought of his cheek, so I explained he hit himself. Then I realized they were also talking about his eye, and his limp. So I explained the situation, and I showed them his itty-bitty eye. I think the policemen were pretty embarrassed. They kept apologizing. So we drove off and I see them talking to a Target manager type on the sidewalk. I was so embarrassed, and scared and just shaken up. But the more I thought about it, I remembered that same manager talking to me in the store, seeing if I needed help finding something or whatever. So, I'm thinking she's the one who called.

So I decide to go up there today and talk to somebody because I love Target. And I want to keep shopping there. So I get the decoy manager (you can tell these things) and I am telling her the story and how upset I am. so she calls the real manager. Who, was on duty yesterday and can assure me it was not an employee who called. They would have had to run it by her first. But she and the decoy manager feel terrible and they can't believe it blah blah blah. So, it must have been an overzealous and not terribly observant customer who actually called the police because of how R2 looks.

It makes me sick. And nervous to go anywhere. Ugh.


  1. well, i guess i'll be the first to try to re-surface on jessicas blog, been a long time/no communication! I feel like i've been in the witness protection program or something! but hopefully we can all come back into the public!

  2. why were you hiding harvester?

    i'm dying to hear the story about the non-abused child and the police.

    what a cliff hanger!

  3. yes, do give details about police encounter
    i bet there will be enough info for jess to write a book

  4. Welcome back from hiding, Harvy.

    Hopefully no one got tasered at Target (joking). I've seen stories in the last couple months where police tased a women in a wheel chair, a deaf man, a guy at a trafic stop for not getting his license out fast enough, and woman who was just saying she didn't want a male officer touching her (a female officer was standing there and could've taken over, but they tased her instead)... horrible stuff.

  5. It does sound like an emotional story at Target. Being accused of abuse would be hard.

  6. Hey honey. You are an awesome mommy. I am so sorry that happened to you.i feel sick with you.I hope those managers never forget.Mama

  7. Hey there Harvey! Good to see you on here again. Mama

  8. That's so bad, sorry you had to go through it. A little common sense would tell the person that you wouldn't take him in public if you had done that to him yourself. I feel for you.

  9. Wherever I want to be, all right?

  10. inexcusible, incompetent, annoying ignorant store manager!

    I feel so bad for you to go through that. never could have imagined such a thing, EVER!

  11. A woman goes to the post office to buy stamps for her Christmas cards.

    She says to the clerk, "May I have 50 Christmas stamps, please?"

    Knowing many people are still buying $.02 stamps to catch up to the recent postage increase the clerk says, "What denomination?"

    The woman says, "God help us. Has it come to this? Give me 6 Catholic, 12 Presbyterian, 10 Lutheran and 22 Baptists."

  12. Mr. Slim can't even fly.

  13. batboy needs a whuppin'

  14. solitare is calling my name!

    cluck cluck

    we had a house-full last night - an impromptu bd partee for lindz

    i think there were about 25 people - and they would NEVER leave! ha!

    what we get for having a "week night" party

    my eldest baby is 25! now! and has a ring on her finger!!!

    happy birthday to stephanie2!!!

  15. harvey makes the best chicken salad EVER! I want the recipe

  16. Hey, Jess it wont take my password again and Terry told me the same thing earlier today.-G

  17. I could eat me a target manager head-G

  18. I like that stamp joke. Beth, I sent you the Andy Stories.-G

  19. I think I am ready to put up a Christmas tree now. HMmmm must forage in garage. Think I will watch the show Kitchen nightmares with Mike. He loves that show.-g

  20. I get very nervous thinking about where we are going nationally. I worry that we wont be any different than Russia sometimes.-g

  21. Hey, it is after5. I should know I would have to talk to myself. Bye guys.-g

  22. I am glad to know that it was most likely a budiski customer, or a well meaning customer......and not a manager...

    Jess......YOU should never ever have to go through all of that..
    and I am so sorry that happened....

    You are the best mommy in the entire world....

    I am glad that as a society we do not ignore abuse like they did when I was a youngster.....but now it seems that it has gone to the opposite extreme...

    I know that God was with you and that HE gave you peace and that you were able to talk to the police with no problem...I am so proud of you and glad that you are the mother of my favorite R2, favorite Tobe, and favorite Bean.

    They are so blessed to have you hand picked to be their mommy..


  23. g'night


    (fell asleep playing Solitary)

  24. Youth Of Fountains is now up on iTunes! Check it out, have a listen, write a (good) review, etc.

  25. mama pc...wake up and get on iTunes!

  26. Oh, Jessica. Bless your heart!! I can't imagine going through that; I'm sure it was really hard, sweetie. Just remember this very wise advice that my boss gives me almost on a daily basis: "What are people thinking??? How STUPID!!". Now, don't you feel better. :)

    Love you!


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