
Thursday, December 13, 2007


I went to Walmart on Tuesday, to grocery shop and to get out of the house. I went yesterday to pick up the 2 things I forgot. I went today to get paper for Richy. I am sick of Walmart. I am almost like a normal person in my dislike of Walmart today.

I have no idea what to get the MOG for Christmas. The book I was going to get him, he bought himself. I got him an Iphone for his birthday, so that's the coolest ever. So he says. just get me a card or something. LAME. I am the Christmas fairy. I LOVE buying presents. It can't cost much, and it has to be cool. I have a knack for buying the wrong thing, i.e. a basket of fancy coffees when he has secretly decided to fast coffee for a year (he didn't). I have waited too long to order anything, I think. Sometimes I get on my nerves. Ah, well, maybe a nice gift card to Walmart.

In other news, how is this not Friday? It has seemed like Friday since I woke up, and I am having a hard time convincing myself it really is NOT.


  1. it would be sooooo very cool if it were Friday
    perhaps we should make every Thursday Friday
    it could be a secret society
    "The Thursday Friday Society"

    i would join!

  2. Poor Jess! She's finally catching on that Walmart aka grocery stores are not so fun after all, especially when that's where you spend most of your time (or at least it seems like you do).

    I dislike the grocery store. I have spent way too much time in them.

  3. Hi all! I finally have internet at home! Yeah! I like the house Jess! Is that one of the little houses or the bigger one where you can have guests stay?

    I go to WalMart way to often. I don't like it to much but it is the closest thing to my house.

  4. "The Thursday Friday Society"

    I'm in! Where do I sign in blood?

  5. i was so sure it was Friday, but now that school is over and I'm about to go to be, i can officially enjoy "Friday" before it even starts.
    but since I visit students at home AFTER school 3 days a week now, it makes for a little longer week.
    but then we start Christmas (the schools call it winter holiday, bah!) next Thursday which is actually only 2ish days fromofficial winter season

    so there ya gowa

    wallyworld has not been my hangout for many years now, but I will tell this audience that the LakeConroe WM is so much better (and I go alone)

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  8. K i deleted both comments above me... silly mistake

    Check it... i'm bloggin again! yay

    k jess i got a new dress today for the party!!! purple with a BIG fun belt! I feel bubbleliciouse in it. Grape flavor!

    jo says i look like a nun... lol

    Soy sorprendido de averiguar que muchas personas en la iglesia habla español con soltura. ¿Cualquiera aquí habla español?

  9. so crystal, did you get a new computer?

  10. as my two younger children asked me yesterday....

    speaking of the Thursday Friday Society....

    What comes between Thursdegg and Saturdegg?

  11. It felt like a Friday to me too!!
    Even though I knew that my birthday is on Friday and that it wasn't my birthday quite yet. So there was no tricking me completely THIS time. hehe

    Yep, my birthday is tomorrow. Send me love please. : D

    Crystal, so glad you are on here again!! Welcome back, purple grape! Watch out for someone trying to press you & turn you into wine.. hehee ; P

  12. Question for all:
    What CTK services are there during the week of Christmas, besides Sunday morning. Any Candlelight ones on 24th or something like when we lived there? Just curious for planning our time down there.

  13. I'm glad there is a Fred Meyer here, they have groceries. Especially like the natural/organic section they have. Too bad you don't have it down there.

    To mothers! Did you know you can get diapers and other common reoccuring needs from Amazon.com. It's called Subscribe & Save.

    It features:
    -automatic delivery
    -free shipping
    -extra savings for your most frequent purchases
    -can update quantity, size, how frequent you get, etc.
    -can cancel anytime
    -no obligation
    -don't have to load in & out of cart & car, & into home (well besides from your doorstep, hehe)

    SO COOL !
    I just started this for diapers & wipes in Nov. It's really nice.
    I get the 7th Generation for both, they are the same price on Amazon, as getting main brands in the store. Plus, 7th Generation diapers and wipes are healthier!

    Try it out!!

  14. Crystal-
    I'm wearing this one black dress... or this other black dress... or a black skirt. Choices.

  15. Does everyone from CTK and TS and TFH attend all the SPF events?

    Happpy Happpy FRIDAY.......it is finally here!

  16. Does everyone from CTK and TS and TFH attend all the SPF events?

    Happpy Happpy FRIDAY.......it is finally here!



    We are special....
    It is our day.....
    God made no one else like us...

    I had a very very taxing day at work.... but, after work, pappy picked me up and drove me to Houston to pick out our Christmas present to one another....

    We got a new bed!!!! and pieces to match that make it an ensemble.... for our haven.... our retreat... our escape....

    I think it was time.... I've had that bed for THIRTY YEARS!!!

    did you know once that we went to visit jOHN'S grandmother in Kansas.... and she told us that the bed she slept on was the same bed that she was BORN in!!!

    i bet you don't hear of that very often any more... but years ago... that's how it was done....

    i'm going to keep my old bed... even though Linds has it now... I'm hoping she won't need it really bad...and I'll keep it for my guest room.... (when she moves out) and so, if I'm ever grumpy or just need to get away from the snore king... I'll have a place to turn to :-)


    so, celebrate LIFE!!! sHannOn and enjoy yourself these last few hours of this special day....

    you are blessed among women!!!

    i haven't heard the CTK or MCF schedule.... i'll ask Pappy and write to you later, Shannon... does anyone else know if we have a 24th candlelight service?

    love to all - and enjoy your weekends!



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