
Thursday, December 20, 2007

bipolar ramblings

These anonimis get pretty snarky come late afternoon. I am here, I am posting now. First, I had to put up this pretty cool weather widget ---->
Not exactly what I wanted, but close!
Also, there is the matter of these three children, who continually require food and such.

I think I am starting to get excited about moving. Which sounds terrible and disloyal and so on. But I'm not excited about leaving YOU... I'm excited about the adventure. Which is as it should be. And I'm excited about a new city, and a new Walmart, and a new library... and I am VERY nervous. I'm afraid of being lonely, or homesick. I'm afraid of being scared to drive in the snow, I am also excited about the snow. And, I am talking like a nut.
Cest la vie.

Tonight is the Radiant/Tred Christmas party. Oh heck... I'm supposed to make a snack. I will leave you now.


  1. You're not a nut..
    completely normal feelings.
    I'm glad you are getting excited!

    I think with the new friends you'll make at the church, it won't be toooo lonely. yet it will at times. I remember that.

  2. twas the week before moving
    and all through the house
    every creature was stirring
    except for the mouse

    the presents were placed
    under the Christmas tree with care
    by the loving mother
    who bought for everyone there

    the moving boxes were stacked
    only three boxes high
    to be sure that the little ones
    wouldn't accidentally lose an eye

    the children were excited
    but didn't know why
    they could feel it from mom
    those impressions don't lie

    an adventure is coming
    the Holy Spirit is leading it
    so we all can be certain
    we'll hear many pleasing bits

    of the blessings that Jesus
    will perform through the Clarks
    when they travel in obedience
    and live north of the Ozarks

    we'll miss them a bunch
    while they're gone in the snow
    but our hearts and prayers will go with them
    that much we know

    ***o.k. it's a little disjointed, but i had to do something about that awful thing i read from yesterday....bats killing stockings and such****outrage!

  3. Good poem. That third stanza got a chuckle out of me.


  4. 2 days until the good people of Texas are graced with our visit.

  5. great, Clammy!!
    ya, the 3rd one made me smile.. reminded me of our move a few months ago, being sure things weren't stacked too high!

    the mouse's belly was full of some yummy eggnog & quite contentedly fell asleep amidst the noise of the Clarks

  6. the Christmas Crouse Mouse
    Made Yummies Galore
    to send with her husband
    to his work... sweets Galore!

    he loved all his work mates
    but he had no gifties....
    to give to those friends
    (who're all in their fifties)

    so he mentioned forlornly
    no presents had he
    to give to the folk at the office
    hee hee

    so i felt sad pity on this he man of mine
    so i purchased some sugar, and
    bought us some twine
    some rolos and pretzels,
    some nuts and some sacks
    those folks wont go hungry
    those folks won't miss snacks

    so he won't feel measly
    when he walks in tomorrow
    he'll have gifts for all
    to erase all their sorrow!

    the gift bags all wrapped, with ribbon and bow
    have yummies inside
    and scripture to go
    on the gift card attached
    where he signs his fine name

    merry christmas to all
    and to all a good game

    come donner and dancer
    and prancer and vixen
    i'm finished with cookin'
    i'm finished with fixin'

    to the top of the stairs
    to the top of the house
    goes this sweet Christmas mouse
    and her husband, Von Crouse!!!

  7. touche mamapc

    here here

    well done

  8. Thanks Clammy! I liked it and felt blessed! - Richy

  9. jess, i'm excited about you moving too... it's sad to leave, but it's happy to GO.... and you shall go and have a wonderful time, no matter how hard it might be....

    we will miss thee
    all of thee


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