Monday, January 19, 2009

on shopping, and my psyche


Intense (really, pretty mild) negotiations of late have led to a new plan... I get 2 two hour breaks a week. That is, 4 hours total sans kids, out of the house, in every 7 day period. I am giddy at the thought. In fact, I just returned from my 2 hours... so refreshing. Now, I'm all ready to wipe 3 continually dripping noses and change 4000 diapers.

What did you do? maybe you're asking. Or not, if you know what I always do. I went to Blue Ridge Family Thrift, my home away from home. Sometimes I go to the library, too, but today I had a coupon for a free shirt or pants... so I settled in and looked at pretty much everything. Spent 1 hour and 55 minutes, and walked a way with a killer pair of shoes and a shirt for bean. Didn't even use my coupon and spent $3.69. That's a rush.

Maybe you're all sneery now and all male like, uh, who cares... get a blog and gripe about it. This is an exciting day.

Funny, I remember being a little person in a basket getting dragged around Goodwills. I used to tell my mom, "When I get big and you get little, I will take you to Goodwill and make you wait forever..." Now, I get it. I'll tell you about it.

I look at it all. Toys, books, furniture, random plastic things, dishes, old toasters and vcrs... and I spend a lot of time in the toddler clothes. And daddy clothes, and mommy clothes, and you know, baskets and candleholders and such. Fun.

Richy and I have argued discussed many times over the years my problem just spending and getting it over with. I'll give an example. Subject A (him) and Subject B (me) are given $20 each (hypothetically) and cut loose in Target for 1 hour.

Subject A will walk directly to his department, pick up one $20 item that he isn't even sure fits, and go buy it. He will then spend the remaining 55 minutes griping about just buy something already.

Subject B will browse every department, especially clearance items, but not commit to anything until the whole store has been eliminated as the better, cheaper item. At 55 minutes, she will just be settling on which items she actually, really, really wants to spend $3.24 on. She will go 10 minutes and $10 over budget. (and have 2 bags worth of goods)

I have to know it's what I really want. So today, I browsed the same 2 shoe racks for an extended amount of time, tried on 5 pair of heels... chatted up a couple of fellow shoe shoppers, and settled on the black and silver shoes with a square toe and weird heels. (I wanted pointed toes and tiny pointed heels, but hey,I don't have What Not To Wear's budget)
I looooove. Got mixed reviews.
"Fun!" - Hannah
"Those are hooker shoes."- Daniel
"Those are ugly as sin."- the hub

Good thing I like em. The shoes, that is.

I feel like I've had a massage. I win, do you get it? I went in there and I got something I like and it hardly cost anything. Wahoo!


  1. Oh happy day...sans muse, though. ;)

  2. I'm happy, cause you're happy..

    Not because I'm actually happy...

    Just cause you're happy..

    Got it?

  3. I'm workin with what I got, N8...

  4. I'm with you Jess!!!! Don't let these MEN spoil your delight!!! They don't know what a great time is to us women folk!!! One would think that after centuries of time together, men and women would have learned to understand eachother!!

  5. what is it about spending money.... why do we like to purchase things???

    what's that scripture.... "and her desire will be for her husband's wallet..."

    it just comes naturally

  6. i think it has something to do with Mrs. Proverbs 31.

    she bought, and sold, and told people what to do....

    she sewed, and delegated...and told people what to do...

    i'm sure she got some deals on fields and dyes

  7. oh, you say??? that scripture occurred AFTER the fall???

    well, we're just fallen women...

    fallen down and we can't get up....
    until we spend a bit more of the cashola on some great deal...

    it's important!

  8. "and her desire will be for her husband's wallet..."

    The the truthiest statement I've heard in 10 years.

  9. By the way, what would Daniel be knowing about hooker shoes?

    I think he has some explaining to do.

  10. Good job! You beat the system! Mama

  11. ...and there's some who can't appreciate fine style. ;) This is great reading material when you are stuck in brain freezing meetings all day, with no way out of the chemical world into the real one. Thanks for the laugh...the male comments on the shoes were classic! Too bad I BUSTED out into laughter among the chemical genius'.

  12. I LOVE the shoes. I really do. Hey I have a question for you. I am feeling really overwhelmed about how exactly to do work/the gym/the pr/ the housework/ the cooking/the errands with a kid. I need to talk to another mom. Maybe sometime, during your precious two hours, we could talk? (This is my secret excuse to get to hang out)

    I'm also available to talk whilst helping you around your house, etc. I clean an excellent kitchen.

    Let me know? You can find me on facebook, or email me,

  13. Shoes are an excellent means of therapy. Check my closet if you don't believe me :)

    Sometime, I need your computer expertise to aid me in my blog layout. Its sad & needs help. And after working on a computer all day, my brain cramps @ the idea of html


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