Wednesday, July 8, 2009

eeting ur foodz

We have reached a discipline crisis of sorts with Toby. I say we because I am married to Toby's father. although he somehow manages to miss almost every infraction- just has his head turned at the right moment, or is deeply pondering the excellencies of Christ and completely misses Brynn taking a healthy bite out of Toby's elbow.... 

Anyway, this crisis falls primarily upon me. Toby steals food. All.the.time. It is more than crazy-making.... 

I think I don't feed them enough. It's tricky, though. Toby and Bean both can't have milk or fruit or juice- just tiny amounts or their stomachs get messed up... so I feed them lots of crackers and cheese sticks and granola bars and the occasional carrot stick... plus meals, of course. Actually, they eat a lot. Just never enough, I guess. 

The thing is, he steals fruit, and sweets. Today, he climbed on the chair, then the counter, and somehow got the box of cookies from on top of the refrigerator. I noticed the silence in the house and deduced correctly. He and Brynn were hiding in the sunroom with fists and faces full... (sigh) 

I have spanked him, threatened him, talked to him, etc. I have put locks on everything before, but I wish I could FIX the problem instead of just finding a way to limit it. 

If you aren't me, which all of you aren't, then this could be pretty funny. Actually, my inner imp finds it funny- the sneakiness and the LENGTHS the boy goes to for a brownie. And his partners in crime- if they happen to be there when he pulls half of a watermelon out of the fridge and sticks his hands in to the elbow- they don't turn down a free snack. 

But I would also like to be the boss of my kid. Also, I would like to eat the brownies myself. 


  1. I think Tobey needs a reality show.-G

  2. The kid is hungry.Mama

  3. You were a major indiscriminate grazer as a child.Thus the chickens... as Pastor Jeremiah Wright so aptly exclaimed.However you were not criminally inclined and had no need to steal since we were hovering nearby to fill your every spoken and unspoken wish until your wedding day and I suppose Richy is continuing the tradition.NOT.So you could carry Toby in a snuggly of increasing sizes till he is 21, feeding him whatever he points to...OR you could fix 7 large meals a day! Let the whole fam join you. They would love it! This WOULD require being essentially chained to the stove but that in itself is a nostalgic family tradition. Look on the bright side here. mama

  4. Did Mom just suggest that you should feed the rest of us?-G

  5. Actually I meant the small nuclear Clark family since it would take a full blown US Army convoy to deliver what is needed in the other scenario although the thought is nice and we can plan for thanksgiving! Also to transport the Yablonskis to KC is problematic...Mama

  6. DIS is good commentary, mama, G. If you come up to KC, I will feed you all the rice and beans you want...


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