
Monday, October 13, 2008

here we go again...

I've been looking for houses to rent in Conroe... looks like we'll be moving back in late December or January. Problem is, we want a huuuuge place and it needs to be cheap. This means we need to live in the ghetto.
Now, I've talked about this before. There is a difference between living in a low-income area where basically everybody has a job, and living in the for-reals ghetto. We want the blue-collar housing, you know?
Anyways, a little discouraging because Texas is much more expensive than here. But hey! I'm looking at houses! At home! 

So if you have the hookup on some giant 7 bedroom that is inexpensive with no bloodstains on the driveway, lemme know! 

Oh, and we'll be in Texas this Friday for a week or so... playing at Prayer Storm... wahoo!!

Here's Bean's new skill from bedtime last night... now to teach her not to throw away clean diapers....


  1. I'm so excited that you guys are comming back!!! That is awesome!!! I bet your time there has been amazing though!!!

    Here is a pict of the newest Peterson!!! She is such a gift and so incredible!!!! I stand in awe of our God when I look at her!!! Mommyhood is THE BEST!!!!

  2. i am very glad you guys are heading this way. and dare i suggest willis? suzi and i found some ok yet older houses when we looked. my dad has a nice but small house in arrowhead lakes which is the area you described. but where ever you look at i would be more than happy to drive the area and take some pics to email you guys. where is the prayer meeting at?


  3. prayer storm is

    tues (tomorrow night) 7 - 9 Feast of Tabernacles all of MCF at CTK

    Friday at CTK 7 - 9

    and Shepherds House in The Woodlands Sat 6 - ?

    Sunday Night CTK 6 - ?

  4. prayer storm is not tuesday. That is just the regular tuesday mcf meeting. The storm is fri- sun

  5. Prayer Storm

    7-9 Friday. CTK

    6-9 Saturday - The Shepherds House

    6-9 Sunday - CTK

  6. I am looking for a place for Mom and Dad so I will keep my eyes open for you too. Slim pickens right now though.

  7. My best friend is also a realtor so I can check realtor listing without you having to call a bunch of realtors and get the run around. So check www.har.com and if you see anything you want info on let me know.

  8. OH wait I forgot I just heard about a 3/2 double wide on fm 1484 nice area right next door to Bill and Catie Hogland. They go to the Father's House. I think it is on like 2 acres. $850 a month. Let me know if you are interested I can get pics for you and a contact number.

  9. No, Bill, you may not suggest Willis.

  10. Hey! Whats wrong with Willis?-G

    Better than someplace called north moss rock, what is that, huh? Some kind of tree fungus?!!!

  11. Funny at the end of the video, at :06 you’re saying, “Good job, Toby,” and then at :01 you’re saying, “No, put it back!” Funny how we have to go from praise to correction so fast with a toddler! haha

  12. Now, you think Texas is so much more than KC? Try Seattle compaired to Texas. woosh...


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