
Thursday, October 16, 2008

En route to Texas

on the road today, blogging from iPhone. We are well on our way, in Oklahoma somewhere right now. I drove all morning with my good buddy Rush narrating the political scene along the way.

Things were getting a little ugly in here, but now that we've had some lunch I am expecting the babies to nap for a while, so we will only have one very grumpy little person to deal with.

Planning on doing some of the drive solo today when the mog drove for Daniel, I brought along a variety of electronic toys. Now I, having mommy brain, don't even hear this noise. But someone forgot their earplugs and that person was greatly bothered by radio+kid+noisy toys... He had to Indian-give his old earplugs and get them back from Daniel.

Now he's driving the van, and I am quite at my leisure. I have a melty candy bar and a bag of library books. Mmmm, good.


  1. First-
    sent by my iPhone.

    Not really.

  2. Josh, don't you work for Boeing? Surely you can pull some strings and have a jet on standby...I mean, it IS Radiant Worship.

  3. Nate- Our machinist have been on strike against Boeing for 41 days now, and no end is in sight. If they were working, I'd go pull the $200 million need from my savings account and have a custom 737 made. If they were only working...

  4. a plane-birth-- almost as good as home ; D

  5. i thought you were gonna get here in the afternoon! did y'all get lost?

    hannah has a question for Richy

    sound system questions


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