Friday, July 9, 2010

teen invasion


Since I'm the youngest of 5, I started being an aunt early. My closest niece is like 3 years younger than me, so I grew up with her, and that whole batch of nephews and nieces were more like cousins. Then, when I was a teenager Mercy and Madi were born, and I was pretty busy making out with Richy, so I missed a lot of their babyhood. 

But then when they were like 5 and 6 and started learning how to talk a little trash, I got them. Now they're 14 and 15 and two of the most interesting women in the world. I am über proud of them and their geeky awesomeness. 

They're here for 2+ weeks to go to camp, and I will report their activities to the interwebs. Currently they are drawing pictures of angry boys with long bangs and large eyes.


A potential match-baby (that's a baby we might be matched with, not a baby that sells matches in the streets) is due August 7th. We won't know for a couple of weeks, but in the meantime we'll be planning to have $16,000 by that date. 
Pray for finances from heaven and that we get approved for a matching grant program, because that would so rock. 


  1. We have enjoyed there geeky awesomeness as well! =) Give them each a spankin while they r there =)

  2. OMG I miss them already! They are going to have such a great time-

    Dare I get excited about baby nuimber 14? OMG Jess.

    How fast can I fly to KC? I must be there...

  3. yes that would ROCK! $$$ from heaven! money is really just "small potatoes" as brian would say... no biggie for the man with all the cows! love your face!


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