
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Camp Makealottanoise

We are now safely in the vast confines of Texas... I need to get some Mexican food, immediately. 

Last night we slept in bunk beds. We got in pretty late, so I thought my kids would crash out right away. Obviously, being a mom for 9 years has not clued me in to reality. 

I put Toby and Richy in the same bunk since it was a new environment and a little cold and so on. Bad Idea #2. Toby was at summer camp. He was giddy excited about sleeping in the bed with R2, and being in a new place, sleeping in the same room as us. He sang and laughed and tickled Richy and made a house out of the blankets and in general just caused mass chaos for about an hour before we shut it down.  R2 was laying there obediently despite the onslaught. 

We exiled him to a separate bunk, where his brokenhearted cries filled the air for several minutes until he succumbed to sweet sleep. 

Kids are the best.


  1. kids truly are the best!! Sounds like fun!! Happy day!!

  2. That is So funny! Congratulations on getting to Texas and getting your Mexican food!

  3. now, why is daniel mathews stealing a belt sander?

    can he come do my stairs? i've been meaning to sand them down and restain them for 3 years now!

    starving musicians need work, don't they?

    OK everyone can see my clean kitchen now! I have transformed from griping, joking, ashamed into tired, happy and peaceful. Check out at www.cassiaskitchen.blogspot.com

    i still can't configure my twitter thingy. jess, you done eating mexican food yet?


  4. So Kat- are you trying to figure out how to post a picture link to twitter. If so, say yes and I'll give your the 411.

  5. Very funny.

    We've had the brokenhearted cries filled the air for several minutes until he succumbed to sweet sleep many times.

    Kids rock!

  6. joesharoo,

    yes, already! ive tried and tried and cried.

    it keeps connecting me to netvibes and something about a widget.

  7. Kat-

    1) go to twitpic.com (save in favorites)
    2) login with your twitter user name and password.
    3) Click Upload Photo at the top.
    4) Follow instructions. Enter in "Your Message" what you want to appear next to the photo link

    Click here for an example of how it will look on twitter. The link will open your picture.

    Got it?

  8. josharoo....u r the best.
    i just discovered my turkey is still partially frozen.....oh no.
    got it in a sink of hot h2o...that means we will not eat until at least 4:00. i had hoped to be sitting on my couch around 4:00 resting.....

    i will try and report back to you.
    you are a pal!

  9. Frozen Turkeys are actually pretty good.....Just eat the outside and reHeat it tomorrow.....and finish the JOB

    Make your stuffing in a seperate dish......or....eat at 4pm


  11. Sorry G......I know how these things are....DAD gummit.....but I made out really really good.....Just so you know....

    I got a MT house AND Thanksgiving food and spent the entire day alone..... God knows what we need and when we need it.... It was very refreshing....like a second wind..... Today I have 8 out of 10 and because of yesterday ..I am able to manage just fine....

    Madison walked the Knock Knock and I pushed a stroller with Ruby Joy in Front and Tobias and Brynn in the back seat........R2 and Izzy helped push....and Graceson walked in the grass .....

    We saw 4 horses and walked an entire mile....We were a sight.......

    Fun was had by all.....now everyone is sleeping except R2 and G......so it paid off.....

    alterer motives of the Bedste

  12. josharoo. your little girl is so soft and beautiful! definitely a keeper! wow! you are truly blessed! what a beautiful name....what doth it mean?

  13. katwoman~
    so good to see you on here again!!

    Meara is an Irish name & means:
    merry, jolly, jovial, mirthful

    I'm quite delighted with her!!!

  14. I've now posted some pictures on my blog. Some of Keith holding Meara-- adorable! Hoping to write her birth story, from my perspective, sometime soon.


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