
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Radiant (on the road) Episode 1

Update from Wednesday:
staying with the terrific crew of the Justice House of Prayer in San Francisco for my last night on this tour. I have been blogging in a journal because the blogger in me does not shut off, even when internet access is limited. Right now I'm using the JHOP computer and thus will not be posting for reals. Besides, I want you to watch and comment on the podcast.
Oh, and Obama won. Kinda saw it coming and I am so glad Jesus is King over everything. I'll be back in KC tomorrow and will hopefully have a chance to update the bloggerati then-ish.

I am ready to see my babies.... okay, now back to the podcast.


  1. "Hallelujah" R2

    "That's my Daddy Bedste!" Tobias

    "Daddy?" Brynn

  2. Now due to popular demand.......we are watching this for the third time! I am sure we will watch it again tomorrow.......

    Everyone is anxiously awaiting ......

  3. thats some tasty video. makes me miss the road. and whats up with "figuring out the best way to pack it" on the trailer. i remember an awesome trailer loader. man he was good.. what was his name again.. the big guy... oh that would be me.. TOOT TOOT. yeah i just went there. love you guys. keep the vids coming


  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLD ONE!!! ...........

  5. Happy Birthday to Richy and Rob!!

    Haven't watched video yet, will later.

  6. happy birthday, my bros-in-Christ!

    I like the video- in many ways- especially the end on the road-- cool.

    VG- That's neat their 3 responses..
    When it was done, Keith said, 'again?' : D

  7. Shannon.....you had better get busy if you are planning on having a baby today......

    Go for a walk....put Keith in a stroller and take him with you....that otta do it.....

  8. Very cool video, lots of good ministry and fun times! Like Bill, it brings back tour and Radiant memories.

  9. Diggin the video very cool. I like the nod to the Beetles with the road crossing bit. Very pro job. My compliments to Chris and Natalie!

  10. 6 hrs sleep, 2 pieces of toast, Ready for last day of work.

    2.5 week leave of absence starts Monday. Should be meeting our little angle this weekend.

  11. Oxford compiles list of top ten irritating phrases

    The top ten most irritating phrases:

    1 - At the end of the day

    2 - Fairly unique

    3 - I personally

    4 - At this moment in time

    5 - With all due respect

    6 - Absolutely

    7 - It's a nightmare

    8 - Shouldn't of

    9 - 24/7

    10 - It's not rocket science

    The researchers who compiled the list monitor the use of phrases in a database called the Oxford University Corpus, which comprises books, papers, magazines, broadcast, the internet and other sources.

    The database alerts them to new words and phrases and can tell them which expressions are disappearing. It also shows how words are being misused.

    As well as the above expressions, the book's author Jeremy Butterfield says that many annoyingly over-used expressions actually began as office lingo, such as 24/7 and "synergy".

    Other phrases to irritate people are "literally" and "ironically", when they are used out of context.

    Mr Butterfield said: "We grow tired of anything that is repeated too often – an anecdote, a joke, a mannerism – and the same seems to happen with some language."

  12. The list again with an * next to ones I know I've said in the last 2 - 3 months.

    1 - At the end of the day *

    2 - Fairly unique

    3 - I personally *

    4 - At this moment in time

    5 - With all due respect

    6 - Absolutely **

    7 - It's a nightmare

    8 - Shouldn't of

    9 - 24/7 *

    10 - It's not rocket science *

  13. Shannon called me to tell me that Keith swung open the glass door on our entertainment center, which is about 4 ft x 2 ft piece of glass, very hard. The door hit the wood frame and shattered into a million little pieces all over the living room. She had to crawl around and clean it all up.

    And that to the cost of having a child.

  14. I meant, Should be meeting our little angEL this weekend...

  15. wow. it took a while but i finally triumphed. i'm in.....wow. hi jess, long time
    no cat talk!
    i was going to call you the other day, wednesday to be precise, however, i only have the mog's number deeply ingrained in my memory bank. i never have had yours. anyways, you boys and girls were on my heart and i wanted to see how you all were!
    hugs, kisses and much love from us all here in miracle city.....


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