
Monday, September 19, 2011

From the Clarkives: About a band, part 2

So, about this band. Read part 1 first, that's the way to do things. This one should cover approximately 2001-2006.

After a while, we decided to be rockstars. It was an easy decision, because we played rock and roll music for high-school students, and also because Delirious was running around in silver tuxedos and paisley leather pants and such, and they were worship leaders. In retrospect, we weren't very good at rockstar. I mean, the music, sure. But nobody should have made Hannah wear red leather pants and platform shoes.

Those were good years, despite quite a few questionable haircuts. We were still leading Revival Generation, kids getting saved all the time, and we had a huge presence in the local schools, with a student army of sorts, and the ability to do concerts there once a year or so. We'd tour for 2 or 3 weeks in the summer, doing revival-type services around the country, and then work at the church the rest of the time. Eventually we added in more weekend ministry, other events. It started getting more complicated to run the youth ministry and Radiant.

We knew we were moving toward a more national ministry, but we weren't sure how to go about it. Our pastoral staff ended up encouraging us to go full-time with Radiant, and our hearts were totally wrecked that that could be a possibility. So in July 2002, we all left our jobs and hit the road. In 2003, through a divine series of events, we led worship at TheCall in Los Angeles. It remains one of the most significant days of our lives.

We had a close knit team and a lot of doors open, and we went everywhere we were asked. It was a busy, crazy, fruitful season. We took R2 and he'd sit in his playpen with headphones on.

It's hard to describe those services. We had such a heavy presence of God with us. Every night we ministered, there would be deep emotional and physical healing, major breakthroughs in families and regions. It was tangible, you could almost feel God in the room.

Radiant was committed to being a part of theCall gatherings, nationwide prayer meetings held once or twice a year, and we'd tour to be in the same area, and then participate or lead worship, whatever we were asked to do. At the end of 2003, we walked the Trail of Tears and spent 40 days holding prayer meetings across the USA along the path of the Trail, culminating in theCall Dallas. Later, we were part of 50 days of prayer in Colorado Springs and several more Calls. In 2004, the team went overseas and did services in Switzerland and Norway.

I was playing keys for most of these years, and after losing the twins, took a few years off and stayed home with R2. Then I did back to back bedrests with Toby and Brynn, and we transitioned into several different team members and a new season, which shall be About a Band, Part 3. If I keep up the same posting schedule, you should get that update in 2014.


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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