
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

when they're grown

republishing myself, which is lame, but Blogger crashed and I really liked this one. If you've already read it, I apologize to all 34 of you. 

Parenting is largely guesswork. Luckily, most of our children come to us young, so they don't realize they're experiments until much later.

There's so much to being a parent. Really, there are limitless ways you could screw up your kids. Every now and then I get a little freaked about that and I have to take a step back and think about what really matters to me.

When my children are grown, it won't matter as much if their plates had BPA; it will matter that we sat together at the table.

When they're grown, it won't matter as much that the house was never fully clean; it will matter that we had fun making messes.

When they're grown, it won't matter if they had expensive toys. It will matter that we made a card out of construction paper and mailed it to their grandma.

When they're grown, it won't matter that they had too much processed food; it will matter that they stood on a chair in the kitchen and stirred the batter by my side.

When they're grown, it won't matter that we didn't have nice furniture; it will matter that I was there, watching, while a superhero practiced flying from the futon to the couch.

When they're grown, it won't matter that money was always a little tight and bedrooms were shared; it will matter that they know children are a blessing, and there's always room for one more.

When they're grown, I want them to love God. I want them to love other people and be honest and kind and giving. I want them to know how to weep with those who weep, and rejoice with those who rejoice. I want them to know they're so loved. That's what matters most.


  1. That is priceless and should be printed on sappy motherhood plaques and greeting cards all over the world.

    Your kids are blessed to have you for a mom. =)


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