
Thursday, May 19, 2011

hyper hangover histories

I suffer from a condition called Obnoxiousness. No doubt someone you know and love has it. One of the side effects of being obnoxious is Post-Party Regret.

As a child, I was some kind of hyperactive. I was never diagnosed with anything, in fact, I am realizing as I type this, I was never diagnosed with anything. Did you guys even ever take me to the doctor, Mama? Like for a cold or an ear infection or anything? Anyway. I bounced off the walls, called the radio station and did funny voices, tap danced in the hallway, and was banned from birthday parties with introvert moms. At school I racked up "tallies" (which were a sort of demerit system) for talking, because I couldn't seem to shut up. Ever.

My parents would put me on a no-sugar diet every couple of months, and then realize it didn't make any difference and abandon the idea. Those weeks without sugar were awful. Here I was, obnoxious, and now I was dealing with chocolate withdrawals.

So now, as an adult, I have basically learned how to shut it down and be a normal, kind of normal person. My condition flares up under the following events: I meet a new group of people, or I have a party. All the sudden, I can't quit telling jokes, and I'm laughing too loud and talking over everyone, and the new people are laughing with this wide-eyed nervous expression and I'm thinking sloooow dooooowwn you're going over the top but I can't stop because at least they're laughing and I'm a sucker for a good crowd.

I wake up the next morning with Post-Party Regret and the taste of old queso in my mouth. What did I say? I think. Did I really say everyone from Ohio is like that? Did I go too far? Why did I say that one joke that wasn't even funny? Did I leave an open can of Coke on the table for Toby to find? (Toby also suffers from Obnoxiousness) I'd imagine it's similar to waking up with a hangover, although I've never had a hangover. In fact, I don't drink at all, ever, (crazy family history) although I have been questioned about being drunk on more than one occasion, while being obnoxious.

I have a few friends who also have Obnoxiousness, and it's always nice to be at a party with them, because we just self-destruct on each other and spill salsa on the couch and laugh at ourselves, and all the normal people just, you know, act normal. Ah, enablers.


  1. I often feel like I just need to shut it myself... Im glad to hear im not the only one who wakes up the next day thinking the same thoughts..

  2. Your dad would be so proud!

  3. i like this fun-ness about you!

    oh, and ''the taste of old queso in my mouth'' HA!

  4. This is a condition? Oh thank God. I recognize those symptoms in myself. Post-party regret, the jokes that won't stop, the nervous people who laugh because they don't know what else to do. I'm recovering though. I think it's old age, a bit more self-respect, and the fact that I have to talk my toddler down from the kitchen table every few minutes that prevents me the symptoms from manifesting quite as often. Happy I'm in good company.

  5. I hide from my kids...seriously. Mind you, they're out of the halfway killing themselves on Lord knows what stage at ages 7, 10, & 16, but still.


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