Friday, February 11, 2011

the brain, she are not

Right, about this blog. Would you believe I've started to type entries about 7 different times, and every time I was interrupted by something that required at least my brain energies, if not my entire being. I started to write about Toby and Brynn's first gymnastics class, and then that never got finished or published, and then I wrote a few paragraphs about R2 going to the doctor and having blood tests and various exams, which revealed nothing, indicating that he is, in fact, just a pill right now, and it may be non-medical. Then I started to write about my husband missing me and calling me incessantly, even though he had 5 days of tour left, and how I miss him too but I'm fairly distracted here, and then he surprised me and came home early. So, win.

4 kids is busy, real busy. And that's with my mom here doing EVERYTHING. I have lots of interesting ideas in my brain, and


  1. its about time you blogged
    cant imagine why you are so busy
    no excuse yablonski
    no excuse at all
    perhaps we would be more sympathetic if you had 10+ kiddos


    the snarky anon

  2. I think about big BIG families all the time, and what a lightweight I am ;)

  3. muahahahaha

    the snarky anon

  4. i do not like Tobias Paxton hair at all in these pics. I hope that is not a new" Jason Upton years gone by"
    doo for him.....

    I love the looks on all the kiddos faces... where is R2? Always at school.. I miss you all... I am so glad that your mother is there.... blessing your socks off. Mamas are great!

    I love you and yours

  5. toby's hair is straight up rock and roll...


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