Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dear Richy

If you're all up in my internet, you know it's our 14th anniversary today. It's a special one, because the MOG is in the same city as I am. We've spent the majority of our anniversaries either together, on the road, or, more often, with him on the road and me at home.

So happy anniversary to us, with babies and laughing and crying, McDonald's and Rush Limbaugh and rain on the beach, with arguments about housekeeping, abounding and abasing, brokenhearted teenagers finding hope and songs that move Heaven, with jokes we can't Twitter and gray T-shirts and hair dye, Papa John and movies in our room, fasting and sweating and weeping in crowds and alone, covering a dead nation. I'd rather be here, with you, than anywhere. Let's get old together.


  1. congrats! i still cannot believe that you got married at 17!

  2. I was there and yes they did...... Congrats you two..

    Jeg elsker dig!

  3. Thanks baby. That's almost as good as the song I'm writing for you. :) You are precious and daily grow in beauty! - Richy


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