Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'll cry tomorrow

R2 almost died on Friday. It was a bad seizure, and I don't really want to talk about it. Someday, I will be 80 and I will probably go to a convent and sit in silence for 3 days and then cry for 24 hours and then I will be okay. So that might have to wait until I'm 80.

You can't, you know. You can't dwell on it. So we just keep making peanut butter sandwiches and changing diapers and living. And it's good, it's so good, because he's alive and the babies (who are not babies) are healthy and today is a day to be thankful.

So I say thank you and I hold the deepest, saddest part at bay, because today is not a day for crying.


  1. there are no words, Jess.
    I love you.....

  2. Whenever tomorrow comes, I've got a shoulder available. And remember, you have clean windows up to the 3' level.

    I love you friend

  3. So sorry. Praying His comfort wraps around you.

    Jenn's Mom

  4. I am so sorry! I can't even imagine. *hugs*

  5. I am so glad R2 is okay. I'm so sorry.

  6. so glad he is ok. i am praying for you all today. you are such a wonderful mom.

  7. So sorry, our oldest has had seizures that lasted over 2 hrs even in the ER. It's scary when the doctors can't get them stopped. She's actually doing well now with 3 daily meds and a VNS inplant. But I still hold my breath wondering if they will come back again. R2 and all of you will be in my prayers!

  8. Oh, Jess. Praying for you all. Trust me, there are times when I go into my room, shut the door and scream and cry. And I feel better.


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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