Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Thank you so much for everyone who gave and cheered us on! We went and bought the iPad today, and his first request (via button) was "I want to watch TV." So we let him. :)

We are so blown away by the generosity and response from all of you. He's a lucky little guy to be so loved. We are learning the ropes of the communication apps, and he seems very interested in the idea of telling us things. I still can't believe that the money came in one day, in a series of hours. I can't thank you all enough, so I will spam my social networks with pictures, in gratitude.

As for me, I've been too excited to eat for like 24 hours now, so this might work as a diet plan, too.

Thank you again, seriously. A new world is opening up for Richy, and for us.


  1. This is so awesome! This could be a huge breakthrough for R2! I'm excited for you guys!

  2. YAY! It's so great to have this opportunity to be able to communicate his thoughts, desires, and needs.

    Jenn's Mom


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