Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How to lose 10 pounds in 15 years!

Yesterday, I assessed the state of the Clothing and determined, once again, that the state of the Clothing is tight. And not tight, like I'm being all ebonic and urban and what-not. Like I'm Randy Jackson in the Dawg Pound.

No, the painful truth is that the Clothing is a bit snug. The tragedy of this is, this was the "fat" clothing, purchased for the winter months when I needed to hibernate and bake and not leave the house. Hear me: if the "fat" clothing is tight, it's an ugly day.

In addition to that, we're doing some budget cuts round Radiantville, and the nearly unused YMCA membership was in serious jeopardy. The combination of these factors sent me out at the crack of dawn this morning (9:45) for an hour of blood, sweat and tears. I made it about 30 minutes. My wuss factor has intensified greatly during my sabbatical. Dangit.

My goal is to go 3 mornings a week, and work out for approximately 1 hour each time. I will then become svelte, tan and hott without modifying my diet, which will have sweets added back in this weekend after a somewhat half-hearted 40 day fast.

You might recognize this goal. I make it a couple of times a year, and I don't have high hopes for my follow-through. But hey! I made it 30 minutes today! Wahoo!


  1. You Go baby daughter!mama

  2. wahoo!!!

    you know, it's not just the fact that if you stop working out i will have to pay for my own gym membership that makes me supportive of your resolution.

    i'm selflessly thinking of your wellbeing and rejoicing in your wise plan.

    and wiping the anxious sweat off my brow...

  3. Wow, Han. That is so touching. ;)

  4. I am so proud of you! You can do it!

  5. yeah i outgrew my fat clothes too Jess. actually twice! (two levels of fat clothes that is) Then when i got sick and didn't eat for a month i lost 15 lbs. and i'm keeping it off so far. prob cause during that time i was able to break my Coke addiction. COLA that is! anyways so now i'm fitting in to my level ONE fat clothes. ;-) not sure that ill ever fit back into my pre-fat clothes.I'm okay with that. EMBRACE THOSE WOMANLY CURVES! ;-) or as Niecy Nash calls them... "the jiggly parts"


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