
Monday, March 31, 2008


So yesterday, me and the babies skipped church again. The Richys went. Turns out, it was a good think we skipped. Toby started throwing up in the afternoon and kept it up until just after 9. Poor little guy. Poor me. And my poor washing machine... seems like every sheet, towel and blanket in the house had to go through. Not to mention several costume changes for me and Boby. He would feel so much better after he chucked, he'd just go kinda nuts playing and jumping and ohhhhh nooooooo.... and we were trying to not let him eat but he kept stealing food. It was a funny horrible way to spend an evening. Today, he seems back to normal. Food poisoning, maybe? We ate at Cici's, which has to be a hot spot, bacterially speaking. But nobody else got sick... I was awfully queasy, but no action. So enough about that. Yuck.

So the MOG has been picked or whatever to come try playing backup guitar on this IHOP guy's worship team. If you get the webstream, you will see him, since he'll be playing 6 days a week if he takes the spot. The first day he played he played the way he plays. And that was a no go. So yesterday he played what he thought they wanted, which is not his style at all, and they liked it. It's definitely a new thing for him, not being the front man. I know he'll be thrilled when he finally gets to play with Radiant again in April.
(If you have the webstream, he'll be playing today from 2-4)

In other news, Viking Granny flies up here on Thursday for the weekend! R1 and I will be flying to Alabama for the Call while she's here, but we'll still have a couple of days to hang out with her. And a vacation of sorts in Alabama... no babies... that will be weird. And nice.


  1. Ewwwwwwwwww. We have yet to have Keith throwing up.... we praise You, oh Lord.

    I just noticed something. You need to come up with something spirtual to say before your talk about American Idol this week. Look at your label cloud. = )

  2. Well, some of your existensial label could be counted as spiritual, and maybe even some of your food label.

    On other notes- I got a call about the position I interviewed for. They are making me an offer. I'll get to formal offer with pay within a day or two, then decide.

    We drove to the area we may move too yesterday. We liked it.

  3. I have to repeat my comments from downstairs since they were too late for today;

    Mr. Slim,

    Could you describe a room in your house for us?-G

    March 31, 2008 1:03 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Since it is monday and there have been no smartypants questions I am going to do one.

    If Charlie Chaplin were alive today, what type of actor would he most resemble of today's actors? And what type of movie? ( in other words would he be more like Harrison Ford in the fugitive, Brad Pitt in Spy Games, Johnny Depp in Willy Wonka?)-G

    March 31, 2008 1:45 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    For those of you who don't know Charlie Chaplin he was a silent film actor who had great acrobatics.-G

    March 31, 2008 1:46 PM

  4. Yay VKG !don't forget to take the clothes I bought for Bean for her birthday.-G

  5. Man, doesn't Keith look like Shannon?

  6. I guess the 3 o clock slump still exists-G

  7. toby's 2 hour nap is almost to the 3 hour mark. Awesome.

  8. Hey G!
    How's it feel to be a grandma??

  9. Jess, sad about Toby : (

    Who said Keith looks like me?
    I think there is more of my looks, yet certainly some of Josh's.

  10. oops* wrong account**
    It's me, Shannon

    Jess, sad about Toby : (

    Who said Keith looks like me?
    I think there is more of my looks, yet certainly some of Josh's.

  11. me thinks keith is mr slim

  12. toby's nap is long becauusssse of all the twirling around i watched on that video the ohter day.... plus.... the whole afternoon of upchucking.... i mean....

    up-robb-ing... er


  13. for supper tonight....

    bacon, eggs, whole grain toast with maple syrup!

    eat your heart out!

    with a side of J.Duplantis!!! (papa and j-son are watching and laughing.... :-)

    miss you....

    have a good week!

  14. since you all asked, i'm a fixin' to pull out my dead grandmother's sewing machine and finish my window treatments... jess, you wouldn't believe how much better this back room looks like...since we painted white...

    gettin' ready for a wedding shower for Friday and i use these types of things to press me into doing a home project... you know... it helps to have home group at your house, cause at least it gets really clean once a week :-) something about the adrenaline rush we give ourselves by not going ahead and plodding along and doing everything like we want on a daily basis....

    ok, i'm going to sew and thank God for television programs that edify, teach, inspire and attract young people (j) to the Words of God! Go Jessie!!! Go JESUS!!!


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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