
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Mac vs. PC debate rages on in yesterday's comments... I really don't care to debate. It's kind of like I discovered brownies and almost everybody else is eating rice cakes. Uh, go on ahead. I'll just enjoy my brownies... :D

Spent too much time at Walmart today. But that's the only way to go to Walmart. So now I have the goods for approximately 2 weeks of eating... and goodies for a small group at our house tonight. We are the replacement host for the group since the host is sick... the MOG is licking his chops at the thought of turning a fellowship group into a revival service... I, on the other hand, am responsible for chips and salsa and cooooookies. Oh, and cleaning. I should probably get off the computer. Like, yesterday.


  1. Why don't she write? Isn't that from Dances with Wolves?-G

  2. I hope your brownies don't turn into a little swirling colored ball and then your teeth get stuck and you can't move them.-G

  3. howmyrunonsentenceyesterdayreally

  4. BTW, hannah montana was SO last sunday.
    We did take the kids to the actual rodeo tonight (Anila loved the bullriding and Kai ate three hotdogs); but we left before the John Fogerty concert because I didn't want my prayers to get cancelled out.

  5. Don't worry, Supern8, John Fogerty doesn't have that kind of power.

    However, way to practice what you preached.

  6. like my new picture?

    i call it "The Happy Couple."

  7. how bout these tasty treats!
    dear ms smarty pants, i know u gotta have some great feedback on this:

    Freeganism is an anti-consumerism lifestyle whereby people employ alternative living strategies based on “limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources. Freegans embrace community, generosity, social concern, freedom, cooperation, and sharing in opposition to a society based on materialism, moral apathy, competition, conformity, and greed.” The lifestyle involves salvaging discarded, unspoiled food from supermarket dumpsters that have passed their sell by date, but are still edible and nutritious. They salvage the food not because they are poor or homeless, but as a political statement.

  8. beth r,
    great to see the happy couple. nice pic


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