
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I linked in the comments from yesterday to the recording of You are Holy that Lee Campus Choir recorded. It's also been recorded in Brazilian Portugese by another group... Listen here. I think it's been recorded one other time, but I haven't heard that version yet.

Had my support group meeting last night. We were cancelled last week, so I missed everybody. And it was great, again. I have to leave right at 9 every time so it feels a little rushed to me, but it's still awesome to be able to meet these cool ladies and eat snacks and talk about our shared experiences and our journeys from here.... 

So Richy has 3 weeks or so left in his Intro to IHOP class (47+ hours a week) and then we will leave almost right away for Nashville to direct the Thunder School. I like Nashville. It will be a cool 3-4 week adventure... the MOG will be super busy kinda pastoring the students and handling a lot of the administration of the program, and I'll be involved where I can.

If you got a hankerin to see the cuteness of the clarklets, take a gander at yesterday's blog. And at clark family pix.

And that's your update for today.


  1. G,

    I will answer all questions honestly, but they may not be fully straight..... that would take all my fun away.... you might have to read between the lines.

    I will not answer random guesses as to my ID. If you (or others) think you know whom I be, you must say why you think so. If you have me flat out, I willist admit.

  2. Question number two.

    Which church we you at at the same time as I was?-G

  3. If you are who I think you are you are going to answer like this;

    I have been to many churches where you were there at the same time. As for where I attend regularly it will remain a mystery to thee.-G

  4. That Christ the King church place.

    Also, that other hick church way out in Cut-N-Shoot, but twas not during a service.

  5. How is that for honest, punk?

  6. So, drawn into this mystery from afar I have been, and suspect that I may know, that Mr. Slim's red Nirvana-esque flannel shirt once earned him the moniker of "Lumberjack," as he sauntered through gum-stained hallways, under the watchful "Eye of the Tiger."

    Am I right Eggor, or has Dr. Hooperfink been foiled again?

    -Dr. Hoopy

  7. I too thought mr. slim might be Big Daddy coming back to visit, but not sure now.

    You are Holy in Brazilian is really cool!

    Toby spinning to the music is funny. Keith use to spin, but hasn't in months. He got dizzy, fell, and hit is head hard a couple times. That memory may be with him.

  8. Hillary may have just put the last nail in her political coffin on her own.

    Watch this. Her staff’s attempt to explain the exaggeration is ridiculous. This was not a case of misspeaking, but out right lying.

  9. Oh, well another senior moment for the leader of the free world.

    What's a few forgetful minutes if you have your finger posed for the button?-g

  10. Well, I think the music links to You Are Holy are very well done. Who would have thought of having a choir sing it? Not I. But it is very good.

    I was also impressed with the Brazilian one, too.

    On my last trip out of the country, I met a very strong Christian lady from Brazil. The story is long, so I won't go there. But I was moved to tears by her story & so very thankful to God that we crossed paths.

    God sure is good.


  11. Dr. Hoopy,

    I have been under the watchful "Eye of the Tiger," but I have not an idea about the rest of whom you are discussing.

  12. Hmmm...then you are not who I thought. As for the Eye of the Tiger, I ask: Pre-Veach, Veach, Richardson, or beyond?

    And one other question:

    Have you ever been treated to the quintessential church experience of cramming 25 teenagers with luggage/pillows, into a ten-year old 15 passenger van, and riding several hours with a solid soundtrack of OC Supertones and live renditions of pre-teen girls covering a endless medley of dc talk ballads?

  13. Is "slim" sarcastic ? R u husky or tall as a giant? Hairy or bald!! American or Scandinavian? Do you have a child who is happy happy happy ?? Indian or Mexican ?? Grey or blond?

  14. I understand not, "I ask: Pre-Veach, Veach, Richardson, or beyond?"

    Are these names? If so, I don’t recall who it was.

    To the other question- I have experienced this character building exercise more than once, and I was signing along.

  15. Danish Princess,

    Is "slim" sarcastic?
    What do you think????

    R u husky or tall as a giant?
    I be taller than 5 feet.

    Hairy or bald!!
    I have hair in the normal places for a person of my gender.

    American or Scandinavian?

    Do you have a child who is happy happy happy ??
    You be guessing my ID, not that of any possible child/children. Why do you drag innocent child(ren) into this?

    Indian or Mexican ??
    Mexican- especially chicken enchiladas.

    Grey or blond?
    I prefer my chicken enchiladas with white meat, thank you very much.

  16. oh, and I like waffles.

  17. When did I say me no like pancakes?

  18. hillary.....

    i don't know that that will bury her. people who are sold on her will sluff it off, most likely.

    it is pretty stupid though - besides being dishonest - to just lie about an event that had total media/video coverage....

  19. bedste

    i'm pretty sure mr. slim isn't my dad. my dad doesn't really blog.


  20. G-

    a few days ago, i saw you asked about the Rogers man...

    he's still alive - just no blogging - or churching - just working and eating and sleeping i think....those are mostly the things i see him do. =)

    thanks for asking. it's nice to be wondered about. while you're wondering, your prayers are certainly desired and appreciated.

    oh one more thing. i'm sort of entertaining the possibility that Mr. Slim might be Jeremiah John Crouse, but i'm not sure. i don't think he's really near a computer during this time of the day.

  21. And what function did you serve on said "character building activities?" Were you a musician, an actor, a chaperone, or all of the above?

  22. Mrs. Slim

    What do you care to comment about your life with Mr. Slim?-G

  23. Those of you who pray join me in this blog prayer;

    Lord, we just ask you to come and speak to Beth's husband ( Isn't it James?). We come in petition that he will remember the first love he had with you and will treasure the time he spent in church. We ask that he come back to church and back into the accountability of the body of Christ. We love him and Lord, we know you love him too. Cover him in your love and give him a hug from you that he can feel.




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