
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My support group was cancelled last night. It was okay, though, because I already had to cancel. The MOG had the plague. For about 2 hours, he was deathly ill. He made a miraculous recovery during his prayer set at the JHOP. Ah, the JHOP, is the backup house of prayer. Justice, that's the J. Anyways, himself is playing backup guitar for a new worship team. He's doing a good job not being the boss... pretty much.
So that means I did not get away last night. Well, I did go to Price Chopper. But that doesn't really count. And then I stayed up too late and woke up too early. Grumpy, thy name is woman.

Now this snarky Slim character has been asking this question...

I petition the great Smartypants for an answer to my question last week. This is a question that deserves an answer from a great thinker such as you:

Should a law be passed that bans women from being president, or at least a law that states that a male must take over for the week that the woman president is having her monthly?

My Dear Mr. Slim. How closely you walk on this precipice... unaware. Never mind. All my answers are too harsh. I need a nap.


  1. Tell em Smarty!-G

  2. Oh really, Smartypants?

    -Click Here and search for “PMS Alert”, and then click the icon on the page.

    Does that explain why I walk on a precipice unaware?

  3. This may take your Smartypantsness directly there:
    Click here

  4. Pretty funny, "Slim". And, no.

  5. hmmm
    undies still green
    maybe i should change



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