
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Smartypants and Grammar

In a renewed effort to post a blog daily before 11 am, I have forsaken the breakfast dishes (who am I kidding... dinner dishes), and I sit here, for you, the people. The esteemed bloggerati. It doesn't hurt that my hatred for dishwashing burns with the fire of a thousand suns.

Grammar question;
If ye already did et yur dinner. Then whut do yu do affer that? I mean before go a pig-milkin' an a cow-sloppin.-G
Betwixt dinner and pig-milkin, you should let grammar take a nap. She's old, for pete's sake!

We hosted the group last night... it was great to have people in our house again. I made slice and bake cookies and got a lot of compliments on them... ethical question: is it unethical to not correct the compliment-er on their mistaken assumption that I cooked these from scratch? If so, mea culpa.
I also made salsa which hardly anyone ate. Cowards.

Another dilemma is, how much do I talk about our new friends and acquaintances? I imagine at some point we will share this blog link, and then what if they go surfing about and find references to our new friend with the weird teeth? See? Dilemma.
We don't really have any friends with weird teeth. I mean, at least here in KC.

Also, for those of you not too holy to join me, American Idol is excellent this season. Beatles songs last week and next week... I LURVE IT. And I have no hesitation whatsoever in saying my spiritual growth is unimpeded by my enjoyment of this show. Spiritual growth is happening! Wahoo! And American Idol is great this year! Try not to choke on your communion wafer!


  1. So AI's good this year, huh? I've really been too busy to watch it and mi esposa isn't interested this year, either. So based on that, we're more spiritual!

  2. On a totally and completely different subject, I did see U23D. It was amazing...

  3. At my friend’s church, attendance has doubled ever since they started using chocolate covered communion wafers. Next month they’re going to add caramel covered to reach even more people.

  4. The only problem is they have to tell people to only take one waffer.

  5. it's the "juice" that packs em in

  6. ah yes, the "juice."

  7. oh the frustration! I want this table and I have to wait for the mister to get home so I can find out if I can get it! And in the meantime it is probably getting SNATCHED up by somebody! le table

  8. because I know you're all waiting... the answer is yes. But she already has a taker... if he doesn't show up I get it.

  9. Your blog comments confuse me. Is it a comment free-for all like most blogs? Is it one long converstation where 10 people join in? Confusin'. And intimidating.

    I will say -- what happened to david smiley-teeth archuletta last night? So painful i fast forwarded through some of it :(.

  10. I like "Janis Joplin" and Carly and I really like "Jakuzi"

    Country 8 days a week needs to be shown the DOOR already....

    Hey LB......it is both.....a free for all and .....a conversation...
    and long make believe storys .....

    and whatever any of ya'll or You'ins (Arki) want it to be...

    I never get it either less I have 10 hours to kill to find my glasses ..so that I can read and read.......computer is hard on my eyes....Maybe they will invent a toner and magnifyer.....and an auto spell check for peeps like ME>

    AI winner will be Jacuzi....... or
    Chekeezi.......I really like him.

    Anyone know what website I can go to if I want to do a MPG comparrison on diff SUVs?

  11. i like chekezi, but i don't think he'll be the a.i.

    i'm rooting for janis joplin. her name is Amanda. she has cool hair.


  12. yep, Lorri... it's a combo of conversations from the previous comment day and random-icity.

  13. Free advertising. Read the radiant worship blog. (link on jessica's front page. ) I am now trying to blog devos daily.

  14. uh oh looks like someone might have got your table. Link doesn't work anymore. And who EXACTLY is choking on the communion wafers? Would that be me and Supern8? Or just any random pc vigilante committees?-G

  15. (prowlin' tru da woods)"where oh where can my vg be?"

  16. love your disclaimers about watching american idol :- ) I could care less. i watch stuff WAY worse. " LA ink" shhhh don't tell anyone! i only like the first few shows of the american Idol season cause they are so darn funny! after that i get too distracted by anything and everthing else


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