
Thursday, March 27, 2008


I've basically got nothing to say today." So what," you say, "you never really have anything to say!"

Sometimes, I have things to say. Now, maybe they aren't that interesting, I grant you. But still. It's something, you ungrateful little reader.

But today, legitimately. Nada.


  1. ungrateful reader?

  2. I am an ungrateful reader

    Please forgive me,

    God of Jessica


  3. Gasp! A women who has nothing to say! Has this every been reported to have happened in modern times?

  4. Please note:

    Woman is singular.
    Women is plural.

    Thank you.

  5. ungrateful?
    sad, very, very sad

    i'm disappointed

  6. We have contractions 1 minute apart. Will keep you posted. Mama

  7. ah, cry me a river, disappointed Anon.

  8. Hey Mama.........

    Thanks for the update.

    I love it when new babies are on the way.

    Just talked to G and she said that they are fixen to give her an epideral.....and we are expecting Connor between Noon and 1p.


  9. Cool, baby on the way!

    Pray for us to have wisdom over the next couple days. Because of pending plans to transition some work to me, I let my manager know yesterday that I interviewed for the new position and think we should hold the plans until I know if I get an offer. She agreed and said, “The position would be an excellent opportunity for you, and you are what they are looking for. I think they would be crazy to not make you an offer, and I think you should accept it, if made.”

    The hiring manager told me via email yesterday that she hope to have a decision today and would let me know as soon as she does. So, I’m really expecting to get an offer today or Monday. I’ve been studying the live traffic condition maps for where we would move if I accept it, to get an idea of the commute (doesn’t look bad). We plan to drive to the area this weekend to look around, and drive by some houses on the market to see what some of the neighborhoods are like. This would be an excellent opportunity for me, but we want to have wisdom to know if I should take it or not. If I get an offer today, I will request to have the weekend to consider it, so we can do our specking out.


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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