
Thursday, March 20, 2008

on not being a man, and not having an obedient husband

I have toyed with Craigslist and freecycle in the past... now, I employ them. I have been haunting Craigslist looking for a big dining table... I mean, there's 5 of us already. If we want to have a guest over, it gets complicated seeing as we have 4 folding chairs and a card table. So I have found a lot of good deals on Craigslist... many a time I have IMed the mister and he shuts it down... because the wood doesn't match our stuff or whatever. For $75 bucks... does it really matter? It's a table with 6 chairs! But noooooo, the MOG/Martha Stewart wants a table that's wood and white. Sheesh. So I haunt on.

And I want a bed for the guest room/R2's room. He was sleeping on the futon, and then we needed that, so now he sleepeth on a crib mattress on the floor. The empty crib is in Toby's room, as he has moved to the toddler bed. "I see multiple solutions to this!" you cry. We already thought of that, and no. So I am looking out for a bed. And on more than one occasion I have found a free mattress and boxspring. As in FREE. And I have been turned down for various reasons. Sheesh. What's 50 miles when it's free? And are you SURE we could not cram a mattress inside our van? Because I think we can. And I can't even rebel and go get it myself because I would have to take the kids, defeating the empty van necessity, AND I can't lift a mattress, that's crazy!

In his defense, he did drive and pick up my free boxspring for our bed. And load it and drive back and bring it inside.

So now I am waiting to hear if the free bed is still available. And where. If so, and depending on where, I will begin new negotiations. Sheesh.


  1. hmmm so richy has a strong opinion on the house decor? Randy only says, " what ever you want sweety" its nice! and I think my opinion should over rule, i mean i'm in the house all day everyday!

    then again he doesn't mind walking out of the house in shorts and black tube socks pulled up high. now that just doesn't fly! i won't step a foot out the door with him like that!

  2. maybe MOG's calling should be decorature

    maybe he should hook up with ms stewart & evangelize there


  3. my love is the same.

    very concerned about symmetry and color schemes and flow and such.

    i'm very concerned about function, but our definittions of functional often collide. =) =(

  4. Matt is starting to have an opinion. But mostly he leaves it up to me.

    I have not bought anything on craigslist but I am a frequent browser. Especially right now. We are in the middle of remodeling Robert and Teresa's house. So I am constantly on the look out for all kinds of stuff. We just finished the kitchen a couple of days of ago. We just need to paint the walls, and I have new flooring coming in about a week. It already looks great. Teresa was shocked. She said she had no idea her kitchen could look that good. They gave me free reign with color and such. Now they are ready to tackle the rest of the house.

  5. I like to have a say in decor also. If we're buying something, Shannon will do the browsing and then show me her top 3 - 5 picks. I'll say what I think about them, and we usually decide together. There are times I tell her to pick whatever she likes.

  6. my man doesn't care what i buy or drag home as long as a) it doesn't cost much, b) it doesn't weigh much, c) it doesn't require much of him....

    jess, you need to get you a good friend, no, two good friends - one that will stay with the kids while your man's away...and the other to help you tie your finds on top of the van... and then help you bring it in.... before he gets home...

    did you hear that once - after we were married about 16 years - i drove myself up to Weisner and searched for a car and picked one out and then went in and signed on the dotted line for it!!! all by myself!!! it felt very strange, but i just had to go for it... my husband NEEDED me to become strong! he has more of a "wait til forever" and "wait til it's perfect" so... not that i would recommend that ... and now we are much more balanced and communicative about what "i" want to do....(not just him always balking at everything) we are enjoying life a bunch more...and he was actually glad that i went out and made the decision...and liked the car... and we lived happily ever after!!!

  7. my first thought, when Mr. Slim said he wasn't John Allen was that it was TERRY!!! ha!!!

    no, papa john wouldn't say any of those things... and i don't think Schlooter would either...

    hmmm would it be someone with the MIDDLE name "John"....

    who do you know that way?

    go get the table of your choice and put it on my tab :-)

  8. As for Pop and the underwear. Guilty as charged and for C3 I am not positive, but would not give him the benefit of the doubt. Others wander through my mind, but as Jess pointed out, this is all the outing I am doing. Supern8 was evasive and R1 was awfully quick to come to his and his sons defense, but I personally know that Mr Tobes is a nudie and proud of it.-G

  9. As for the johns one of my questions is, he said

    I did not say I was not John.

    But, he did not say he was either.
    So are you or are you not a John?

    John Terry would not say the things this Mr Slim has been saying.

    Also, it could be that Slim is actually a sarcastic remark, which could put him in the category of a lot of other people,

    And... I believe Mrs. Slim is imaginary, because of the way she talks, sort of like a fantasy woman, not a real one.

    So, were back at square one.

    Could he be Bobby jr?

    It is not Bobby Sr, I know that.-G

  10. I am also wondering about Beth Roger's husband who hasn't been on the blog in quite awhile and doesn't mind admitting that he suffers from lack of table muscle.-G

  11. Arb likes to call himself the heavy twin, but he is much to sarcastic for the Mr Slim comments.

    Besides he knows better. Stephanie would hit him over the head with a frying pan for saying some of those things.-G

  12. John Peter Jessie......???

    Mr. Slim...........Hmmm.....

  13. G- you are smarter than I thought. You are correct that I didn't say I was a John, only that I wasn't John Allen. You know how to read between the lines.

    A hint- I have been at the same church, at the same time, as you.

    As for this topic- A man is the king of the home. If he says no table, it means no table. If he say 3 tables, you should find 3 tables.

  14. OMG

    I am shocked!

    This means that Mr. Slim is from the DARK AGES!


    And a CHRISTIAN!!


    TFH is his main hang out!


    Andrew John Chavez?


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