
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

American Idol last night... sheesh. Way to desecrate Beatle's songs. It's too bad, because they were great at Beatle's songs last week. That whole "too much of a good thing" dynamic, I guess. Ah well, Jason Castro is still dreamy in that whole Partridge/Brady kinda way.

Anyways. Last night the worship team Richy is on practiced in the basement. It was loud. And after a while, it was something of an unrestrained blues jam... I was not surprised. Tonight we are hosting the small group again, as the hosts are still sick. It is pretty fun now that we are having people over more regularly, although it is forcing the cleaning issue... luckily this is a tiny little house with beautiful floors, so I can make it look good pretty easily.

Nada mucho to say. Obama's campaign appears to be imploding under the weight of his pastor's racist remarks. That's the thing about politics.. it can turn on a dime. So will this help McCain? It already is. Fascinating stuff.

And now to make some snacky snack for the group... brownies and some salty something, methinks.


  1. still no comments

    slow day


    slow bloggers

  2. maybe their undies are still green

  3. I still don't wear undies.

    and, I'm still waiting for homey G to try a useless attempt at my ID.

  4. Me thinks this blog is full of idol chatter.
    (gotta love a good pun)

    Me thinks Obama will still get the Dem nomination.

    Me thinks we should make brownies tonight also.

    Me thinks I have an idea of who Mr. Slim is.

  5. Slim, I enjoy your anonmity. Anon away.

  6. Ok, Josh, give me a hint-G

  7. A useless attempt?
    I am aghast!

    Give me a hint, Do I know you?-G
    i.e do you know me?

  8. I am not convinced that you are not John, like you say.-G

  9. 6, 7, & 10

    I voted for them 'cause i thought they were groovy!

  10. G- you know me.

    I also will reserve the right to not answer questions, at my whim.


  11. I will not lie. I may not tell the whole truth, but never lie, so...

    I am not John Allen. But, I didn't say I wasn't John.

  12. happy, what are you voting for?

  13. John Crouse?

    Johnny Lang?


    John Schluter?

    Who does G know that is named JOHN and also has time to BLOG?

    John.........maybe John is a middle or last name?

  14. I don't think John Crouse would say some of the things mr slim says.

    I would say the same about John Schluter.

    John Terry doesn't have time to blog
    unless it is in his truck while he is at work, and then he has to do sermons. His sermon series lately has been called" Meditations from the truck"

    The thing definitely has a John Allen flair to it.-G

  15. No one over 35 says Snap!-G

  16. Boss, I am leaning towards Jonny Lang. Yea, could be-G

  17. Hate to get graphic on the blog, but Stanley men don't like to wear undies. I realize there are exceptions on this, but in general. Jess can vouch for this point-G

  18. I didn't want to out them.... but, uh... G did.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Unless you mean C2 or C3. I definitely never had that conversation with pop and I talked to C3 today on the phone...it didn't come up.

  21. " Meditations from the truck" - That's funny.

    For sure not Papa JC. I'm thinking Jonny Lang, maybe, but just cause I listened to his music this evening. It had been a while, and Shannon was out shopping, so Keith and I turned on the tunes and got our groove on. Shannon likes some of Jonny Lang, just not as much as Keith and I, so we kick it when she's out.

    I'll have to think of other John's. That throws me guesses off. Wait!! John Peterson... my dad!?! Dad, are you not wearing your undies again?

  22. how is kc affested by the flooding?

  23. methinks the stanley sons-in-law protest a bit much...

  24. no flooding here, beth. It rained yesterday, but not bad.

  25. Mr. Slim: don't forget to fast tomorrow :-)

  26. Hey Jess..........is it still snowing in KC?

  27. Are you expecting Snow again?


    Please TXT yo MUdder in LAW ASAP

  28. it will snow again, but it's not consistent, and it melts the same day.


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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