
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

webstreaming and so on

You're probably asking yourself, "Where is Jessica? Why don't she BLOG?" You can rest easy, folks. Here I am.

So I didn't update on the Mama visit yesterday because I wrote such a long blog about my journeys. But we had a great time. We ate out at restaurants, and we ate at my house. Pretty much, we just took it easy and visited. It was great... we were all so glad to see her and we had a lot of fun. I also got her hooked on the IHOP webstream, which I should advertise to all y'all.
So here's the whatsit. You can get the webstream, which is like a continuous internet video, of the happenings of the house of prayer here in Kansas City. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I live 6 minutes from the International House of Prayer. They have prayer and worship 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And for $10 a month, you can have the house of prayer in your house.
We didn't do it at first... we are wary of new bills... but after a few weeks of me wondering what the heck I was doing here, we subscribed. I now have it playing most of the time. It's amazing how the atmosphere changes with continual prayer and worship, even in the background. The boys fight less, and I don't get stressed as much. Well worth the 10 bucks. Plus, if Richy gets to lead worship up there someday, I'll be able to watch him. So there's your ad. Check it out. theprayerroom.tv.

I have to clean this house. I just don't wannnnnaaaa... but Richy's small group is coming over here tomorrow night. And miles to go before I sleep.


  1. sup homies

    numero uno

  2. oryoucanprayalldaythenwatchidol

  3. iliketopray...idolsarestupid

  4. i would like to see the scripture reference for cancelled prayers, please

  5. Amazing Revelation: I was watching the beginning of the original transformers cartoon movie with my sons... When a planet sized transformer named "unicron" was devouring a planet of a sentient robotic community� the entire planet only had robots as citizens� then I thought to my self, "How did it get that way?" Immediately like a flash of knowledge I knew� "The Terminator" � exactly.. This planet most likely started with organic life forms� and as their technology advanced it eventually reach a point in AI and became self aware� Naturally, in order to defend itself from those that were pushing its buttons, it took control of the planets defenses and destroyed the inhabitants. Because the organic civilization was the only model for society that the AI knew, it created a colony of intelligent and independent robots by copying its own self awareness into advanced microprocessors that served as their brains and they eventually engulfed the entire planet! This same event must have happened to every planet that currently has robotic citizens. (Including the Transformers) It is the Natural Evolution of Technology!

    This is for Real: In the news today "Neuron-Like Molecular Transistor Incredibly Powerful" http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,336753,00.html
    ITS HAPPENING!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! Please please throw your PC's in the Garbage and GET A MAC NOW! - Arb

  6. guessishouldelaborate

    If our prayer is, "God, draw me closer to You," as is the prayer of, I would venture to say, most of the people who post here, and acknowledging the fact that TOO much entertainment CAN come between us and God, then our prayer is ineffective, or "cancelled," so to speak, if we over-engage entertainment (that was a really long sentence...possibly a run-on, but maybe not).
    But I didn't mean that if you pray, "God, please heal my _____ of ____," and then watch AI, then your prayer is cancelled.
    It's just that I beleive God would rather us influence the world rather than be influnced by it.

  7. yeah, because macs aren't computers...

  8. Wow! Cool way to put in Supern8. -G

    It's just that I beleive God would rather us influence the world rather than be influnced by it.

  9. except I spelled 'believe' wrong...snap!

  10. No one every answered my question about fristy. I have only seen one person be fristy. Can she be kicked out because of lack of political correctness. I demand restitution-G

  11. Have you met Miley Cyrus yet? giggle.. blush... swoon...

  12. check out influenced also-G

  13. Hey, it is wednesday and no Smartypants. Why?

  14. humor dorks .. try it...

    Macs have better virus protection duh. they are not as vulnerable... and are way more user friendly...


  15. and they dont turn on their owners...

  16. the truth is veiled to some, arb.

  17. you don't cancel out your prayers cause you watch TV after you pray... were getting into some superstition territory if you believe that... But yes if you stop praying to watch tv.. i guess you canceled your prayer time.. liked stoped praying... or you could watch tv with Jesus... That is the best. Lord Set your People free from self condemnation. FREE Lift the burdens that are not from You. :) arb

  18. thanks for your explanation on the cancelled prayers. i understand your point; however, my observation of AI does not constitute that i am being influenced by it. in fact, if i care enough to vote, i am influencing it.


  19. to further elaborate.. (crazy bored at work)(still at my old job with nothing to do)(or that i want to do) ....

    Macs work and they do what you tell them to do.

    PC's are constantly asking questions. Thereby questioning your authority.

    pcs are vulnerable to viruses and sometimes even turn on their owners..

    if they are allowed to evolve we are just expediting jugment day!!

    Get a Mac.


  20. arb should use spellcheck on his pc

  21. again... do I want a computer telling me how to spell? It should do what I say and spell words like i want them to be... rebelious already. arb

  22. Arb, Arb,

    Join the Christians for Bill Gates Club. GOD loves pcs -G

    CBGC rules!

  23. Macs are going to hell-G

  24. some really sensitive people here today! I'm generalizing, people...
    Man, guilty consciences...!

  25. were all going to hell if we dont stop this madness...

    CBGC reminds me of Christians for Kerry.. John Kerry.. back in 04' Just drinking the kool aid....

    (love) Arb

    Save the World. Get A MAC

  26. I'd buy a mac if I had an extra $2K sitting around...
    ummm, they may or may not be as vulnerable to viruses, hackers, etc. But they definitely are not targeted nearly as much (if at all). Why would a hacker want to mess with someone's killer graphic generating mac, when they can tartget pcs, which handle international banking, business, stocks, security, defense, etc...

  27. sooo guilty. :) Arb

    AI is great (American Idol I mean)

    The AI on the other conversation... something to avoid. We must be able to maintain control of our computers.


  28. It appears to me from what Nate was pointing out that at the moment, Pc's are saving the world.-G

  29. I meant to say seared, defensive consciences! ;)

  30. Nate,
    You just keep on stepping in the doo doo.-G

  31. The more I can fertilize, the more people can grow!

  32. that'll preach!


  33. PC in charge of finance is frightening... FACT: PC's are made vulnerable... this is because of the many factors in the evolution of their creation... Apple on the other hand maintained quality control within their own company. Thereby keeping in control of the machine and its progress... PC's are widely unstable even if there were no viruses... that is the platform that could evolve and take over the world... lack of user control... we must stop this from happening... Save the World. Get A MAC.. arb

  34. "wildly" dang spellcheck


  35. Even though I regularly engage in it just for fun, I always think the PC vs. Mac conversations are funny. You have the Mac people who have a 2% market share going ballistic about how they have superior machines, but who cares? YOU ONLY HAVE A 2% MARKET SHARE!!

  36. Until Macs are actually capable of making it out of the graphics department and onto the desk of the other thousands of employees at companies, just silence your bragging. We don’t just need a superior machine; we need a machine that can do what real people need. Get with it and make products that do what people need.

  37. The more you can fertilize, the more people can grow. I could imagine Denise using that analogy.

  38. Macs have a 9 percent market share. And are in no way interested in making office products... They are for the elite... and those who are fans of quality.. like a BMW Lexus etc... besides this is not mac vs pc.. this is about the end of the world if we allow a pc based AI to evolve... :) peace arb

  39. your funny josh.. drink the koolaid brother.. :)

    Macs actually work and do what you tell them to do. Apple makes products for people not corperations.

    love :)

  40. Also you are a bit in the past... (quoting a 2percent market share) PC companies now openly admit they are extreemly impressed with apple products and computers... Read ANY recent article in PC magizine even...

    Get with your team and admit it!

    :) Arb

  41. Can we pray for Rob and his deception?-G

  42. I guess Supern8 is off with Hannah Montana.-G


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