
Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I toyed with the whole, " Surprise! I'm PREGNANT!" idea today, it being April 1st and all. But I can't put my aged relatives through that... so, no jokes. Besides, I'm not really into April Fool's. I don't like lying, and I don't usually believe anything on April 1st, anyway.

Two pretty good Google links:
Google Custom Time
Be a Virgle pioneer!

In other news, the pukes have passed to the other two children now. So maybe that'll be it? Maybe I don't have to personally be involved? Maybe it will pass me by! Ugh.

My small group last night was really good. It's so healing, and I think I am making some really good friends. The issue for me will be how to pursue friendships outside of the group setting. One friend was supposed to come over today. But she has a 4 month old, so once I figured out the pukes were alive and well, I cancelled. Luckily, this particular virus seems to pass in about 4 or 5 hours. Those are miserable hours, but then it's over.

In other, other news, I have started putting all my poetry and prose on a new blog. Haven't decided if I will make that public or not... that's a hard thing to share. But since I've put it up on the freaking INTERNET, I guess I will give y'all the link when I'm ready.

My new friend Amanda is the coolest. One amazing thing about her house: SWEET TEA. How I have missed the Southern goodness of sweet tea.

Clark. Out.


  1. i don't really think i want to live on mars.

    but that's just me.

  2. Jess...........YOU ARE GROUNDED!

    I was already having a heart attack and trying to figure out how to get all three of your children to TEXAS and juggle them around from relative to relative for 9 months......

    It is funny how that first sentence only took 10 seconds to read and figure out your where kidding,,,,,,,,but my mind went to all these different scenerios that quickly .........

    YOU TWO NEED TO STAY AWAY FROM EACHOTHER till you figure out where you are going to be settling down for a spell.

    I love you and I love grandbabies and the more the merrier........
    BUT I have not seen any new crape myrtles recently ..

    ........in other news..........

    You will be having some fantastic Iced Tea in about 72 hours...

    YOU SCAWED THE PEEWADDLEINS out of me................

    April Fools

  3. I wouldn’t want to live in a Mars colony because I imagine it will be set up as a surveillance society / police state from the start, with plenty of “controls” to “protect the planet.” Passing gas will probably be factored into your “carbon footprint.”

    Glad your group was good. Shannon understands get togethers being cancelled for sick kids. Some friends have four boys. Time after time, Shannon plans to go visit and the mom has to cancel because the plague is going around the house again.

  4. And, MR. slim is pregnant. I guess we'll have to ask tomorrow if this is an April Fools joke.

  5. Not an April Fool's Joke:

    Please pray for my grandfather. His name is Hjalmar (pronounced y'allmar). He was having stiffness in his neck, and then my dad took him to the doctor, and they saw a lot of arthritis and then they think they saw a tumor.

    They admitted him in the hospital, and they're going to do another mri - we think tomorrow morning. Please pray for my grandfather.

    Thanks - it means a lot.

  6. dolly parton songs tonight... so far david cook is awesome, as usual

  7. beth- praying for your grandpa

  8. Vkg, I think you deserve that scare after telling Jess it was an emergency and it was printer failure.-G

    Although I know my heart skipped a beat.

  9. Please don't get pregnant.-G

  10. Mr. Slim is a liar or a transvestite or something-G

  11. Mars would be cool, but I think I would miss Blue Bell.-G

  12. Smartypants is not answering her column.

  13. Maybe Smartypants hasn't seen any baby pictures yet

  14. G- I am neither a liar or transvestite. For real.

  15. hey smarty-pants!

    how bout some partici-pants

    how many words can you think of that has "pants" in it?

  16. to locals: KIDS FEST coming

    On April 19th at Heritage Park CHS's Dancescope will perform at 10:30 am and 12:00 noon during Kidz Fest.

  17. Hi all,

    We are taking all the kids to the Montgomery County Fair tonight. I love the fair. For one reason... Funnel Cake!

    Allthough I will miss riding rides,
    I love rides, but it's a no go when your pregnant. Have y'all been by there? They have this huge thing that looks like it could kill you. I wish I could ride that!

  18. On another note,
    We just rented a house yesterday and are moving to The Woodlands! I am so excited to finally have a house. Apartments suck! I can paint the walls whatever I want!!! Well I can't paint right now, but I can make someone else paint it what I want.

    I am having to really be creative with the kids rooms, I need to pick wall colors that will go with there bedroom stuff. Madison's room is hot pink and zebra print, Aunna's room is denim and lime green, with some other bright colors and Adam wants a spy room. So I am open to suggestions if anyone has any!

  19. Congratulations Jennifer!

    Exciting to be in a house!

    I think you should let the girls pick their wall colors.

    As far as Adam, i don't think i know what a spy room is.....=)

  20. I have this big question on the economic stimulus checks that will start being mailed in May. Do both of the married filling jointly parties have to have income for both to count for the $600?

    The IRS’ site and every other thing I’ve read says, “a maximum amount of $600 for individuals ($1,200 for taxpayers who file a joint return).” I understand that I would get my $600 because I paid taxes on income I earned, but Shannon (and most of the stay at home moms) didn’t earn income. Do they qualify for another $600 even though they didn’t have income? The info doesn’t clearly say if you have to of had income to qualify, or if it’s just the fact that you’re married and filling jointly- income not considered.

    Anyone know the answer, have a reference? I’m trying to do some planning and this would help.

  21. Congrats on the house- it is nice to have the freedom of not being in apartments.

  22. they count sahms. So you should get 1200, plus maybe 300 for Keith

  23. Thanks- I knew about the $300 for Keith. $1500 is good.

  24. If this bethc thinks I'm some Lisa, she must say logically why or I will not answer.

  25. I am SOOO not Mr. Slim.

    Maybe you're referring to another Lisa?

  26. what happened to wednesday blog

  27. Clark boys singing "this little light of mine" was so Kool!

  28. wow they look so cute those three girls together
    I didnt know she was so very short! Maybe Jess spent the entire day caring for her sweet little husband with the flu!

  29. we are both vomitous - Richy

  30. vomitous?
    is that a word?


  31. Do you have lysol and bleach...???

    O no........

    O M G

    I really do not want to get sick..

    Do I need to take a cab from the Airport.....???

    Do I need to wear a surgical mask and gloves........

    O no.......

  32. guess what?!?

    we have a shift in the heavens!!!

    Brian and Lindsey have been invited and urged to come and work at an Orphanage in Uganda!!! Their spirits are excited and they feel very much that they are to go...

    Papa JC has blessed their marriage so plans will be made for a sooner than later wedding....

    Stay tuned!!!

    and pray for wisdom, timing, supply, and peace

  33. This Orphanage has babies from birth to 5 years old.....some are sick with Aids.....

    What an opportunity to bless the nation.

    Brian and Lindsy are perfect for the job and it will change their lives and the lives of those they touch...


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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