
Monday, April 14, 2008

the Yablonskis go to the doctor

R2 had a neurologist appointment today... scheduled months in advance because the clinic is so busy. So off we went at 10 ish this morning. I had called and verified the appointment, and then we drove around in circles for a while looking for the place. Found it. Took out three kids, got a wagon, went for a ride. Wrong place. It actually was in another branch of the hospital, downtown. So we missed it and have to reschedule. Stinks.

Stuff like this always happens to me. And maybe I'm irresponsible and non-verifying or something, but dangit! I thought I had this one. Sheesh. So now I have to call and say I'm a cotton-headed ninnymuggins and I need to reschedule for JUNE when we're back in KC.

We leave for Nashville on Sunday. Some guys are coming to house-sit... guess I should clean everything, or something.


  1. I wouldn't worry about cleaning...I'm sure those guys will be real clean anyway.

  2. just pack away your personal stuff and forget bout cleaning---- just clean bathroom and kitchen----

    Now for what is really important-- what time does AI start?

  3. Clean nothing. You know what guys are like when left alone! heh.


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