
Thursday, April 3, 2008


Sheesh. Today we pick up Eva/Bedste/Viking Granny from the airport for a weekend of fun and frivolity. Only problem, I AM SO SO SO SICK. The pukes finally got me. I am miserable... was up all night and thought surely I'd be better by morning.

My sons are watching an infomercial for some skin care product. Toby picked the channel. All of the sudden I feel pretty wrinkly.

Ohhhhhhhhh...... I just want to stop feeling sick. That's all I got.


  1. FYI. The pukes are unrelated to yesterdays April fools post. I've had them as well. No fun. - Richy

  2. "Everything's up to date in Kansas City...they've gone about as far as they can go..."
    First one to correctly guess the quote wins...(except Jess)

    (Richy-IHOP-guitar-hero doesn't count!)

  3. oklahoma

    that's the quote

    what do i win?

  4. u win a day at clarksville kc
    a full fun filled day of cleaning up puke
    washing clothing, blankets, sheets, etc
    cleaning bathrooms
    preparing 7UP refreshments

    ur no 1

  5. google is your friend.
    You win 1st place! Way to go!

  6. have the pukes stopped yet???

    i'm sorry

    hey, jennifer, i have some pretty yellow gold paints that might make a neat background for a SPY room. you know, with that bright color, the other bold colors juxtaposed might look good... you're welcome to some. i have 1/2 gallon "february gold" and 1/2 gallon "honey" colored paint...

    i have a friend whose daughter is a interior designer and she has come up with some fun ideas with paints... like where she paints each wall a different color - then, a focal wall has huge squares of all the colors...and it really comes off nicely!

    anyway, i have some golden yellows that might work with anything else you can dream up. paint is EXPENSIVE!


    over and out to all

    gotta get ready for a wedding shower for Linds' new sister-in-law (Jamie) here tomorrow night

  7. I am so excited for Brian and Linds! I have been wondering when the big day would come for them.

    I knew you weren't Mr Slim. Beth is just pulling everything she can think of out of her hat, and no, it is not Beth.

    Yay for Jenn and Matt. We will be neighbors with Supern8!-G

  8. Im sorry yall are puky. -G

  9. Dear Pukey Smartypants;

    I am sending this letter in earnest condolences of your pukey condition. Should you require any type of assistance with your children or household duties, I would be happy to be of service. But, since you have moved to the icy upper regions, I fear my well-intended assistance is null and void at this time, so I am sending another woman in my place. Please be sure to let her clean any pukey blankets, bathrooms, cook any jello and crackers and run to the store in the blizzard for Sprite. She is well adjusted in dealing with cranky youth, obstinate men, and women who need to be put out of their misery by bullet. Please rest while you allow her to do the things she is well ready to do for you and your family. Her name is Bedste and if you can't say that just call her " Hey, You"

    Always thinking of you
    (now unemployed)

  10. Supern8
    Deerfoot circle near many pines across from the elementary school. That is what they told me. I haven't found it yet. Do you know where that is?-G

  11. Ps off of woodlands pkwy near the fwy.-G

  12. I found it now.-G

  13. I know who mr. slim is.


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