
Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Well, Bedste is technically off to the airport. Actually, she's going to sit in the house of prayer for 3 hours with R1, but she already said goodbye to me and mine. We had a great visit. It's very surreal seeing people from home and then all of the sudden they're gone for months. I wonder how that translates to R2 and Toby's brains. Bean was not a fan of VKG this visit. She felt that Eva was the cause of me being gone for 3 days. Finally, today she smiled at her. Funny stuff.

Idol last night... my favorite didn't do his best performance, that being David Cook. But he's still awesome and I expect him to be in the top 3 and NOT win the whole thing. Then tonight is 2 and a half hours for the Idol Gives Back special, and tomorrow is the results show... lotta idol this week. Tonight will probably be pretty boring, however. Too many celebrities.

A sad development in my life: the day I got the plague last week, I had sampled the CinnaSnacks from Sonic. After sampling them again countless times that night, I don't know if I will ever like cinnamon again. This is life-altering, as I have cinnamon snack sites sprinkled across this city. Ugh. I'm feeling a little queasy even mentioning it.

Real queasy. Quick, somebody change the subject.


  1. and Congrats on the promotion, Josh! That's awesome!

  2. Thanks, yo! (For others - details on my promotion in yesterday's comments)

    Your cinnamon thing sounds like when Shannon and I got food poisoning at Arby's when we were engaged. It was almost 3 years before we could eat at Arby's again. We'd pass by one, and one of us would say, "let's go to Arby's," then we'd both cringe at the thought. I actually felt physically sick a couple times thinking of it.

  3. same reason I don't do Chips Ahoy Chocolate Chip Cookies (gallopped around my living room as a 4th grader eating a whole sleeve of them while listening to and singing at the top of my lungs the theme from the Lone Ranger show) ta da dump ta da dump ta da dump dump dump..... etc ad nauseum

    nor Strawberry Cake.... yurg....

    congrats Joshroo

    hey, we reserved the wedding facility today... jess will you be "home" Mon, May 26???

  4. Hey Pam where is the wedding going to be?

    Jess, very sorry to hear about your food plight. I have had food poisoning and that bug a few times and it will really turn you off of certain foods. I still can't eat much alligator to this day!

  5. Jenn,
    I am so sorry you can't eat alligator anymore. No more Burger King or Wendy's for you.-G

  6. Good morning! Just a minute to say I love you! will call later gator. mama

  7. Oops sorry to mention gators Jennifer.

  8. Someone sent this to me. You all should want to watch it.



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