
Monday, April 28, 2008

no, not like.... aw, nuts.

Today, I took on Nashville and went to get the boys haircuts. First, I made a plan using Google Maps... then off we went. And for once, I got there. Exactly where I was going without driving the wrong direction, or finding the place I mapped to closed down in 1998. Well, there was ONE U-turn. But basically, I rocked the map. We went to a Great Clips. Which is, for you Texans, kinda Supercuts. But the one we went to in KC was super friendly and did a good job... they got it when I said "My kids are rockstars... they can't have geeky hair." Here, not so much.

I refer to that scourge of motherhood... the hostile stylist. She looks skeptically at the picture I have chosen. Yeah, lady. I don't want a buzz cut or a bowl cut with straight bangs. I want my sons to look like PEOPLE. She accepts, and then once Toby is in the chair with the FISH FISH FISH cape on, she asks... "Now, what did you want?"... and I show the picture again. She scoffs... "That haircut is longer than what he has now!"

I spit me of rude customer service. But we forged on. He ended up getting a semi-geeky normal cut. Hopefully, with a little gel and a side part he will be back to rocker. R2 got spikes. By this point I was so intimidated by the woman controlling my son's hair, I just backed down. Sheesh. We might be going back tomorrow to get some corrections done. Or not. Sheesh. Sheesh sheesh sheesh.


  1. for a moment, i was very confused; then i realized that you're not in Kansas City right now.

    Now i'm less confused, except i still don't know what "I spit me of..." means. But i think i get the drift nevertheless.

    I don't know how you bring yourself to allow strangers to touch your beautiful children's heads. =(

  2. we have to get Natalie to share her customer service stories (as the helpful cinema girl) that she shared as stand-up comedy at the talent show. I have particular opinions on the subject myself

  3. toto, we're not in kansas anymore

  4. G, it's probably the pollen:
    high grass and tree pollen
    i got it too, but keep drinking lots of water to flush it out

  5. "Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons. You will find it is to the soul what a water bath is to the body.”
    -- Oliver Wendell Holmes

  6. " Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” -- Red Auerbach


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